Sunday, October 20, 2024

Wildcat Weekly 10/20/24


Westport Mission & Vision

Mission: Leverage the strengths of the Westport community to ensure academic growth for ALL!

Vision: Westport will be a venue for academic success!

Westport’s Collective Commitments: Our Team will:

  • Make decisions which are student-centered and aligned to our WHY!

  • Be present to model consistent processes and expectations!

  • Leverage learning opportunities to increase instructional minutes!

  • Presume positive intent in order to maintain positive mindsets!

Principal Message

This week as we hold parent teacher conferences, please remember to communicate with your supervisor which dates & times you will be available to parents to complete your total 7.25 hours (Thursday will be 4 hours for you).  

As a Title 1 School we are required to have parent/Student/ & Staff complete the Parent Compact Form.  Please print copies and have them available for all parents to complete who attend our meetings.  We will have a few extra copies available in the office, but you should make sure to have enough in your classrooms. 

Additionally, please plan to submit the number of parents attending your conferences on November 1, 2024 (unless you will be utilizing the November 4th day). We will be submitting this information to the district. Please use this LINK to submit your individual teacher conference information.

If you are unable to complete conferences face to face, a phone conversation can work.  We must hold conferences for any student who is receiving a D/ F in any core subject or any ‘underperforming’ area.  Remember, if teachers can’t get all their conferences in by November 1, the November 4th Professional Development Day will be available for them to finalize them. 

SPED 101 Make-Up Sessions

SPED Make Up Training - Crystal Magers

The SPED Make Up Training will be offered on Monday, November 11th from 4:00-6:00 p.m. and Tuesday, November 19th from 7 a.m.-9:00 a.m. These trainings will be added to Kick-up this week and teachers will need to sign up to attend.

Curriculum Updates

HERE are the October Curriculum Updates.  This month you will find information on the following:

  • Standards-Based Grading Resources and Support for Parent-Teacher Conferences

  • Benchmark Advance Implementation Support

  • Math Adoption Update

  • Power of Attention

  • Celebrations, and

  • Upcoming Learning Opportunities

Intervention Data

Data within eduCLIMBER is available for students’ receiving intervention at sites with a reading interventionist or numeracy interventionist.  Each interventionist has set up groups in eduCLIMBER where they record progress monitoring.  The EduCLIMBER | Viewing Intervention Data handout will guide you through locating the data for these groups and students.

End of 1st Quarter Grade Posting - Action Required

End of Quarter Grade Posting Timeline - End of Quarter Grade posting opens on October 14th and closes on October 21st at noon. Site administrative assistants must complete all verifications with teachers by the end of business on Monday, October 21st. An updated timeline is here.

Westport Boundary & Time Changes

For those who were not able to attend the staff session after school yesterday, I shared the recommendation of boundary and transportation changes in SPS.  If you have specific questions or concerns, please feel free to come to me and I will do my best to answer them.

As I shared last night, I wanted to provide everyone with a LINK, where we can capture any of these thoughts or questions. 

Week at a Glance

Monday 10/21 - Spirit Day (Care to Learn - Green) Care to Learn Spirit Store

Campus Events: 

  • Self-Selected Parent Teacher Conferences 3-5pm

  • Open Enrollment begins

Tuesday 10/22 - 

Campus Events: 

  • Elementary Fire Prevention Presentations - Commons Alcove

  • Self-Selected Parent Teacher Conferences 3-5pm

Wednesday 10/23Spirit Day (Wildcat Awareness - Pink) Breast Cancer Awareness

Campus Events: 

  • Elementary Fire Prevention Presentations - Commons Alcove

  • Self-Selected Parent Teacher Conferences 3-5pm

  • ELD Academy

  • Wings

  • 4th & 5th grade Boys Empowerment Groups

  • Student Council Meeting

Thursday 10/24 - Social Committee Dues DUE: certified $25, non-certified $15 Cash or Check

Campus Events: 

  • Required Parent Teacher Conferences 3-7pm

    • Staff dinner will be provided

  • Elementary PLTs

Friday 10/25

Campus Events:

  • Poppin’ Into The Weekend Teacher Treat Trolley in the commons

  • Flu clinic for students. Please return signed vaccine forms to Nurse Emily or Katelyn

Saturday 10/26

Athletic Events: 

  • Cross Country Heritage Meet

Looking Ahead October

  • 10/28-11/1 Red Ribbon Week

  • Fall Fest: Wednesday October 30, 2024 4:30-6:30pm

    • Fall Fest Activity Sign Up: please sign up for an activity to run during Trunk or Treat HERE 

    • Also sign up if you plan to have a trunk - candy will be provided 

  • Thursday October 31st ELE ROAR-Store Shopping (UPDATED SHOPPING DATES!)

    • Thurs 10/31, Thurs 11/22, Thurs 12/19, Fri 1/31, Fri 2/28, Mon 3/31/25, Wed 4/30, Fri 5/16/25

Looking Ahead: November

  • November Wildcat Wednesday: Awareness celebration options 🙂

    • Purple for Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness

    • Red for Native American Heritage Awareness

    • Blue for Diabetes Awareness 

  • Teach Forward - November 5, 2024

  • 4th & 5th Grade Music Show “We Love our Veterans” Thursday November 7th 6:00pm

  • Land of Smiles Friday November 1st 12:00pm -1:30pm 

  • Westport Family Thanksgiving Basket Hand Out Day: Saturday November 23rd, from 9:00am - 12:30pm

    • Please let Ms. Mann, Dr. Mitchell, or Mrs. Deckard know if you want to volunteer to hand out baskets

Staff Benefits Open Enrollment

Each year, SPS employees have an opportunity to review, change, and/or confirm their insurance benefit selection. This open enrollment period takes place each fall with any changes in plan design or employee selections being implemented January 1 of the next calendar year. 

This year’s enrollment period is October 21, 2024, through November 1, 2024. Your benefit selections will take effect Jan. 1, 2025.

Prior to enrolling, please take time to review your current benefit elections through the Alight Worklife (formerly SmartBen) platform by logging in here. Your User ID is your SPS Employee Number + SPS (ex: 12345SPS). Your password is the last 4 digits of your Social Security number + SPS (ex: 9477SPS). 

Student Spotlight

Please add student pictures throughout the year to the School Family slideshow that plays during school in the commons. The students love seeing themselves being celebrated on the big screen!

The following elementary classes will be celebrated Monday morning during Pack Time for their ROARING attendance!

Halloween Dress Up

Teachers & Staff Only

As a continuation of the Initiative to promote this year’s Read to Succeed initiative and 2% growth goal, we will dress up like our favorite childhood book character and take time to read on the 31st.  LINK is for signing up for your character, let’s try not to have duplicates 🙂

Staff of the Month Nominations

Nomination Link 

Nominations close at the end of school 10/31  Teachers will be announced on BAND APP on the 11/1.

 October Social Committee Connection

Silent Auction Baskets-Click HERE to sign up. 

  • Please get with your grade level/department and sign up for a basket of your choice to be used in a silent auction at the FALL FEST.  After you select your basket theme please communicate with your students and families that we are collecting NEW items related to the theme.   Please keep a list of items that have been donated to your basket. 

  • The class basket that raises the most money will earn an extra recess and popcorn party! 

  • The Social Committee will provide the basket for the auction. 

Teach Forward

Teach Forward - November 5, 2024

  • The November 5 Teach Forward event will be a three-hour professional development opportunity designed with teacher growth and choice in mind! 

  • From 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM, educators will have the freedom to choose one session that aligns with their interests and professional goals.

  • An email with the full session list, as well as sign-up information, will be sent in the coming weeks. 

  • Locations will be based on session enrollments so we can maximize choice across the district.

6th Grade Lunch Procedure

On Monday we will begin new lunch procedures for all 6th Grade classes. Please see below for processes that will be required during 4th and 5th period. 

4th Period

  • Remind students to pick up lunch items from lockers prior to 5th period. 

  • 6th Grade students will not be able to stop at lockers after 5th period, which is before lunch. 

5th Period

  • Walk your 5th period students to designated tables in the lunchroom at 11:20. Tables will have signs with teacher names; see the chart below. 

  • Leave by staggering from closest to furthest (Dove, Holland, Morris, Evans, Tucker).

  • Take care to keep your line of students from mixing with other students. 

  • Students should not stop at lockers or restrooms.  

  • Visually confirm all of your students and only your students are at your designated table. 

Please let me or Dr. Olivera know if you have any questions. We'll be present in the 6th grade hallway at 11:20 to assist as you begin this new procedure on Monday. 








7th Grade







7th Grade






7th Grade






7th Grade



*May be moved to wall in front of RR






7th Grade


Restroom Passes / Attendance Terrace

Wait Line




7th Grade

October Instructional Focus

Please watch this three-minute clip on Anticipatory Set:

Here are some video examples of teachers Using their Objectives/learning targets as Anticipatory Set in their lessons.  Please take a minute to watch these.  Notice that teachers spend 5 minutes or less discussing the objective.  Also, notice how taking a few minutes to focus on the objective can create a road map for the lesson.

Middle School:

Upper Elementary:

Lower Elementary:

#1-Refer to Posted Objectives

One of the most effective ways to help students stay engaged and clear on expectations is by consistently posting and reviewing objectives on the focus board. When learning objectives are explicitly stated, it not only sets the purpose for the lesson but also helps students understand why we are asking them to learn it.

Be sure to clearly write the learning goal or standard that you expect students to meet for each lesson. Make this a part of your routine by reviewing the objectives at the start of class and returning to them throughout the lesson. This helps students track their progress and connect their activities to the goals. It also ensures that instruction remains aligned with the desired outcomes.

Research shows that when students understand the objectives, they are more likely to engage with the material and be motivated to meet the expectations. Keep this focus front and center to foster a culture of achievement in your classroom!

Thank you for your continued efforts in providing clarity and purpose to our students’ learning experiences!

#2- Anticipatory Set

The anticipatory set plays a critical role in setting the tone for an effective lesson. It’s the hook that draws students in, grabbing their attention and sparking curiosity about the topic. A well-crafted anticipatory set not only piques students' interest but also connects prior knowledge to new learning, setting a strong foundation for the lesson ahead.

To create an impactful anticipatory set, consider using thought-provoking questions, real-life examples, or short engaging activities that relate to students' experiences. This prepares their minds for the content and gives them a reason to invest in the learning process. The key is to make it relevant and stimulating while remaining aligned with your learning objectives.

Remember, the first few minutes of class are crucial for capturing student engagement. By using anticipatory sets effectively, you’ll set a positive tone for the rest of the lesson, fostering an environment where students are eager to learn and connect the day's learning to their own lives.

Thank you for your dedication to making each lesson meaningful from start to finish!

Nurses Note and Wellness Corner

11/1 is the Land of Smiles for Elementary students; watch your mailboxes!


Don’t forget open enrollment begins on 10/21! Make sure you get changes submitted for next year. Even if you do not have changes, I encourage you to sign in to the updated SmartBin to see the new features, including EAP services available now!

Wellness Program Participation Survey

SPS is committed to providing and strengthening support for employee well-being. We're inviting all staff members to complete this survey to help us understand your needs, preferences, and well-being levels. The survey is anonymous and confidential, and the results will be used to identify areas for improvement and wellness resources. The survey should take about five minutes to complete, and the deadline is Thursday, October 17th.


Cooperative Learning Corner

As first quarter comes to an end and the new quarter begins, here are some helpful tips to creating the collaborative classroom that maximizes instructional minutes:

Attention First: The Grinder refocus signal helps students transition efficiently. Slowly raise one hand while saying a predetermined catchphrase (i.e. “Attention, please”). Explain, rehearse, and reinforce your refocus signal expectations to gain back valuable instructional minutes.

New Structures: When you teach new structures, students will learn them more easily if you use fun content before pairing them with academics. You might start with relationship-building questions about student interests, hobbies, and favorites. This builds their desire to engage, and it also lightens the cognitive load by allowing them to learn a new process with easy content.

Classroom Arrangement: Arrange your furniture so that students can be seated in teams with no backs facing front. Think about the key teaching spaces, and ensure that students have a clear line of sight to any space they’ll need to see clearly. This will increase their retention of key information while also making them less likely to get off task.

Counseling Corner

Red Ribbon Week October 28th-November 1st

This is school-wide!

Monday, October 28th Wear Red-Day!

Red ribbon week kick-off. Students are encouraged to wear red and they will be receiving a red ribbon during their 1st period classes.

Tuesday, October 29th Nerd Day

“Be a Jean-ius, Be Drug Free” students and staff are encouraged to wear jeans and their favorite nerd-apparel on this day.

 Wednesday, October 30th Hat Day!

Students are encouraged to wear their favorite hat by “Putting a cap on drugs and alcohol during hat day”. The cost is $1 per person.  Student council members will be coming by your 1st period classes to collect and mark individual student’s hands that pay the fee. Proceeds will help benefit future StuCo-sponsored dances and the end of the year StuCo Trip for StuCo members.

 Thursday, October 31st  Sports Team Jersey Day

Students are encouraged to wear their favorite sports team’s jersey by “teaming up” against teenage drug and alcohol abuse.

Friday, Nov. 1stMovie Character Day

Students are encouraged to wear their favorite movie character clothing. No masks or props will be allowed.

Middle School

  • Monday, October 21st: Hoffman will be in 6th grade Tucker all day.

  • Friday, October 25th: Jordan will be in 7th grade Lindsey all day.

Social Work Updates –

  • Winter Coats and accessories for students

Our on-site Care Closet has winter coats, gloves, caps, and scarves available. You can contact Ms. Mann, Mrs. Deckard, or Dr. Mitchell with student needs or for more info.

Instructional Highlights

Elementary School (Leigh Anne Patrick, Learning Coach)

Middle School (Jeffrey Pettibone and Brandi Compass, Learning Coach)

The beginning of a new quarter is here! Time is flying by!

Brandi and Jeffrey will be out of the building for Coaching Academy on October 21-22. We will begin meeting with our new groups and times starting Monday, October 28th. 

All DCA data was due by the end of the day on Friday, October 18th. That should be completed in EduClimber and ready to start the new quarter!

24-25 Parent Involvement Nights

All certified staff are required to attend 3 out of the 4 yearly parent involvement nights. 

Action Required: Here is the link to the spreadsheet where you track your PI Night attendance. Fall Fest Activity Sign Up: please sign up for an activity to run during Trunk or Treat HERE (you can also note if you plan to have a trunk!

Important Dates

  • Wednesday October 30, 2024 - Fall Fest Event 4:30-6:30

  • Friday, November 11, 2024 - Land of Smiles 12:00pm -1:30pm 

  • Thursday, January 9, 2025 - HRA for staff in Library from 6:00 AM-8:30 AM

  • Thursday March 13, 2025 - Westport Art in the Park 4:00- 6:00

  • Wednesday April 23, 2025 - Academic Showcase 4:30- 6:30k

  • Thursday, Nov. 7, 2024 -  4th & 5th Grade Show “We Love our Veterans” 6:00

  • Thursday, December 17, 2024 - 2nd & 3rd Grade Show “Santa Claus is On His Way,”  6:00

  • Thursday, January 9th, 2024 - ALICE TRAINING

  • Thursday, January 30th, 2024 - Student Access & Opportunity

  • Thursday, April 24, 2025 - Kindergarten & 1st Grade Show  “Theme TBA”  6:00


Middle School ROAR-Wards are going ONLINE!

  • Teachers will no longer need to award weekly Attendance ROAR-Wards. These will be credited to the students’ accounts. 

  • Throughout this week, students will have opportunities to add earned paper ROAR-Wards to their accounts during lunch.

  • You can continue handing out paper ROAR-Wards this week. Next week you will have access to add ROAR-Wards directly to students’ online accounts.

  • Beginning next week, paper ROAR-Wards will no longer be handed out or accepted. All ROAR-Wards for Middle School students will be handled online. 

PBIS Collaboration - We need your input!

Please also consider adding your ideas to the PBIS shared collaboration Doc HERE

PBIS Opportunities for Students

We have partnered with the Community Partnership of the Ozarks to provide mentoring programs for our students. This is designed to teach them communication skills, critical thinking, perseverance, and other transferable skills that will help increase overall engagement and success in school.  We are currently looking for 6th graders who would benefit from such a program. 

Please submit your 6th grade nomination by emailing

PBIS Students of the Month

We are always seeking nominations for PBIS students of the month! If you have a student in middle school or elementary you would like to see recognized for their outstanding behavior or improvement, please email with a short description of the ROAR behaviors your nominee has demonstrated.

Middle School nominees - please email 

Elementary School nominees - please email

Student Access and Opportunity


Context For Teachers: Disability Awareness Month

This includes Differentiation Ideas, Inclusive Classroom Practices, Myths and Facts about Learning Disabilities, and Tips for Working with Parents with Disabilities!

Virtual CLassroom: Disabilities  

Read Alouds and Activities

Learning About Disabilities Slide Deck 

Building Committee Reps

Click on this Title Link if you need to know your representatives.

Previous Newsletters

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