Week at a Glance
Principal for a Day
On Friday, September 27, we will be hosting a Principal for a Day. This is an opportunity to show off our amazing Westport students and staff. Melody Shuck, from Community Partners of the Ozarks will shadow me and experience a day in the life of a leader in education. Our hope is for this experience to help community members gain a deeper awareness and understanding of SPS and the people who work to make a difference in the lives of students across our community. Additionally, we hope they are able to discover future opportunities for further engagement with SPS.
Principal for a Day Agenda
9 a.m. - Arrive at your assigned school
9:15 - Welcome, orientation & tour
9:30 - 11am Shadow SPS Principal
11:30 - 1p.m. Lunch & debrief at White River Conference Center
Dress Code
Reminder: SPS Policy & Staff Handbook (p. 14)
Employee Attire: Professional Dress Code
Every employee is expected to present a neat, well-groomed appearance during working hours and should not wear apparel that creates disruption or distracts others from performing work. Teachers will dress in a manner appropriate to the teaching assignment. They should not wear apparel that distracts students from the learning process or that creates a disruption in the classroom. Some employees are required to wear uniforms or safety equipment. If an employee is required to wear uniform or safety equipment, the supervisor will advise the employee as to where they may be obtained.
Educators are professionals. As such, our dress and appearance must look professional. All employees are expected to dress and conduct themselves in such a way as to earn the respect of their students, parents, and community members.
Dress should include comfortable, but suitable, casual work attire. Casual slacks, capri pants, and polos or blouses are acceptable; however, this does NOT include shorts, t-shirts, or athleisure wear. Professional attire is expected when public meetings are scheduled.
Special spirit days, or “dress down” days will be observed as agreed upon by the administration and building teams.
Wildcat Friday - Jeans and a Westport t-shirt.
Please note that jeans will only be allowed on Fridays.
Read to Succeed Information
To promote this year’s Read to Succeed initiative and 2% growth goal, each student will receive a bookmark with the monthly themes on it as well as links to parent resources. Bookmarks will be delivered in the next week or so to Westport. Westport will encourage our students and staff to pause for 30 minutes to read.
Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) day will be Thursday, September 26.
Westport Elementary School will participate during their grade level guided reading.
Westport Middle School will participate at 10:40-11:10.
Don’t forget to share your DEAR in action on socials using the hashtag #SPSreadtosucceed
Teach Forward
Teach Forward - November 5, 2024
The November 5 Teach Forward event will be a three-hour professional development opportunity designed with teacher growth and choice in mind!
From 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM, educators will have the freedom to choose one session that aligns with their interests and professional goals.
An email with the full session list, as well as sign-up information, will be sent in the coming weeks.
Locations will be based on session enrollments so we can maximize choice across the district.
Canvas Grade Passback/TAC Grade Posting
Teachers REMINDER: In our handbook please remember grades should be updated weekly. On page 33 of the handbook specific information is provided. This information was shared with parents, and it is necessary we communicate effectively with parents about the status of their children.
Grade Posting
Teacher Guidance
Open the Canvas gradebook.
Look through the assignments and scores to look for dashes (-) and zeros (0).
Update scores in Canvas as necessary.
Maybe an absent student has turned in work. If so, enter a score for the student’s work.
Maybe a student has turned in an incomplete or late assignment. If so, enter a score for the student’s work.
Allow Canvas to sync to TAC, or use the Teacher Portal to manually sync student scores.
A manual sync in the Teacher Portal does not create new assignments. It only updates student scores.
Information on how to request a manual sync in the Teacher Portal.
Post grades in TAC according to progress report grade posting guidelines.
Starting the week of 9/30 the current D/F list will start being communicated with parents. This means it will be important that your classroom grades are accurate prior to these notifications.
Nurses Notes
Emergency medication info was sent home to the children identified with previous emergency plans. These must be renewed each school year. IF these are not returned by the end of next week, we will contact parents to cancel their emergency plans.
Land of Smiles will be here 11/1 @ 12:30pm and 1:10pm
This is meant for grades K-3rd, but 4th and 5th are welcome to join if interested!
See the link for more info!
Wellness Corner
Westport Wellness Champion - Nurse Katelyn
Healthy Aging Month
Each September, we celebrate Healthy Aging Month to promote ways people can stay healthy as they age.Explore our healthy aging resources, bookmark the Healthy People 2030 and Older Adults page, share our Move Your Way® materials for older adults, and check out the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Midcourse Report.
Here are some resources related to healthy aging from the National Institute on Aging — and register for the 2024 National Healthy Aging Symposium to hear from experts on innovations to improve the health and well-being of older adults.
Cooperative Learning Corner
One effective way to set your year up for success is to implement cooperative learning structures from the start. By using these structures to explain, practice, and reinforce classroom routines and procedures, you can clarify your expectations while also fostering a sense of belonging among all students. This approach ensures that when standards-based learning begins, students will already be familiar with some cooperative learning structures and understand your expectations for working together.
This week our focus is to ensure 100% implementation of the Kagan Cooperative Learning strategies K-8. Please use one of the following strategies, the two we have introduced over the past few weeks, in your classroom this week:
Action Required: Answer HERE; Did you incorporate one of the Kagan Strategies and what are potential supports needed for implementation?
Social Committee Connection
We need your help! Concessions Stand Volunteer Sign Up: sign up here to run a home game concessions stand - all profits go to the social committee to support fun activities throughout the year
Action Required: Social Committee Dues: certified $25, non-certified $15 Cash or Check
ALL Dues – are paid to Stacy and are due by October 20th; Stacy keeps track of who has paid their dues.
Once you have paid your dues you will receive a Wildcat Wealth! 🙂
Counseling Corner
Mark your calendars - Elementary
Middle School: Bullying Lesson
Wednesday 9/25: Mrs. Hoffman will be in Tucker’s SS classes.
Friday 9/27: Mrs. Jordan will be in Lindsey’s Science classes
Staff #Read2Succeed
ACTION REQUIRED: Lots of staff read alouds are still needed! Here is the LINK for your read aloud video submission. #Read2Succeed
Dr. Lathan asked all administrators to share a picture of themselves with their favorite book this year. We want to extend that challenge to ALL of our staff! Please take a picture of yourself holding your favorite book, or a book you’re currently reading, and text it to your AP by the end of the week! These will be shared throughout the year on social media, along with the read alouds, to promote the SPS initiative #Read2Succeed
When you text your picture you will receive a Wildcat Wealth 😀
If you are not comfortable with your video or picture being shared on social media, please let Mrs. Ross know.
Instructional Highlights
Elementary School (Leigh Anne Patrick, Learning Coach)
Well friends, we are mid-way through September and it still feels like summer! Most of you have your small groups up and running. It is exciting to see the collaboration regarding small group reading and how to meet the needs of your diverse learners. We had some great collaboration this week regarding Benchmark small group books and differentiated needs in Phonics. Thank you for embracing the Benchmark curriculum and being dedicated to implementation. With all of the new things happening, (standards based grading, report cards, Benchmark Advance)please know that I am an advocate for you and a voice for you at coaches meetings. I am hopeful that I will have answers to many of your questions next week, so stay tuned!
Reminder: Educlimber window closes on September 26th, which is next Thursday, so make sure all of your assessments are entered.
Remember to sign up for a middle school Coaching Cycle.
24-25 Parent Involvement Nights
All certified staff are required to attend 3 out of the 4 yearly parent involvement nights.
Action Required: Here is the link to the spreadsheet where you track your PI Night attendance.
24-25 Parent Involvement Night Dates:
Wednesday October 30, 2024 Fall Fest Event 4:30-6:30
Thursday March 13, 2025 Westport Art in the Park 4:00- 6:00
Wednesday April 23, 2025 Academic Showcase 4:30- 6:30
24-25 Athletics and Activities
Event Dates: 9/23/2024 - 9/28/2024
Important Dates
Thursday October 17th, 2024 - Middle School Dance 2:30-4:30pm
Wednesday October 30, 2024 - Fall Fest Event 4:30-6:30
Friday, November 11, 2024 - Land of Smiles 12:00pm -1:30pm
Thursday, January 9, 2025 - HRA for staff in Library from 6:00 AM-8:30 AM
Thursday March 13, 2025 - Westport Art in the Park 4:00- 6:00
Wednesday April 23, 2025 - Academic Showcase 4:30- 6:30
Thursday, Nov. 7, 2024 - 4th & 5th Grade Show “We Love our Veterans” 6:00
Thursday, December 17, 2024 - 2nd & 3rd Grade Show “Santa Claus is On His Way,” 6:00
Thursday, April 24, 2025 - Kindergarten & 1st Grade Show “Theme TBA” 6:00
Elementary PBIS/Conscious Discipline Lessons:
Please continue to follow the teaching schedule for the weekly lessons. These lessons should be noted on your Focus Board also.
ROAR-Store: Information and Guidelines
$1 for ROAR behavior (multiple daily)
Respectful, Organized, Attend, Responsible behaviors
$1 Daily Attendance - must be on time (homeroom AM and 1st period)
$5 School job completion
$5 Trash pick up (inside and outside)
$5 Friday Bonus for assignments completed (teacher preference)
$10 weekly 90%-99.9% attendance (list provided each week - handed out in 8th period for MS)
$20 weekly 100% attendance (list provided each week - handed out in 8th period for MS)
*$10-$20 ROAR-wards should only be handed out for attendance
$ROAR-Wards: If you need more ROAR-wards please reach out to Dr. Mitchell (ELE), or Mrs. Deckard (MS).
Excess Student ROAR-Wards: If you notice students having more than $200 ROAR-wards please start having conversations about how this is likely not possible. If students are giving them their ROAR-wards they need to be turned in. If students are not interested in the ROAR-ward program encourage them to not accept them. If you notice ROAR-wards being given away, stolen, or items “sold” for them please contact your AP so we can handle the situation accordingly.
Shopping Schedules: we will use the same shopping schedule each month.
Shopping Dates & Schedule: Elementary
Friday 11/1 Monday 12/2 Tuesday 1/7 Tuesday 2/3
Monday 3/3 Tuesday 4/1 Thursday 5/1
*The day before shopping, please enter the number of ROAR-wards your student has earned for the month so that we are ready to shop when your class arrives.
Shopping Dates & Schedule: Middle School
Middle School Hallway Procedures
The first step of PBIS is designing and communicating clear policies and procedures. Please communicate and adhere to the middle school hallway procedures consistently.
SmartPass: Students MUST have an active SmartPass to be in the hallways during class periods. SmartPass allows us to track students’ time and frequency in the hallways. Paper passes should only be used if SmartPass is unavailable. Students who are in the hallways without an active SmartPass will be returned to the classroom with consequences for being out of the assigned area.
10/10 Rule: Students should NOT travel in the first and last 10 minutes of class. Students in the hallways in the first and last 10 minutes of class will be returned to the classroom.
Tardy Passes: When the bell rings, please do not admit students to your class without a pass. They are required to go to the tardy station where late attendance is recorded and a pass is given.
Adopt an Administrator
The administrative team is excited to be in your classrooms and with your students. Please take a moment to email an administrator with a date and time to come to your class to be involved in learning opportunities and participate in activities in your classroom! Example activities could include: reading books, science lab, etc.
If you’re reading this, please text your AP your favorite movie! The first 3 people who respond to their APs will receive a special treat.
Staff of the Month Nominations
Nomination Link
Building Committee Reps
Westport Mission & Vision
Leverage the strengths of the Westport community to ensure academic growth for ALL!
Westport will be a venue for academic success!
Westport’s Collective Commitments
Our Team will:
Make decisions which are student-centered and aligned to our WHY!
Be present to model consistent process and expectations
Leverage learning opportunities to increase instructional minutes
Presume positive intent in other to maintain positive mindsets
Previous Newsletter
Wildcat Weekly 8/18/24 - https://westportwildcatweekly.blogspot.com/2024/08/wildcat-weekly-81824.html
Wildcat Weekly 8/25/24 - https://westportwildcatweekly.blogspot.com/2024/08/wildcat-weekly-82524.html
Wildcat Weekly 9/1/24 - https://westportwildcatweekly.blogspot.com/2024/09/westport-weekly-9224.html
Wildcat Weekly 9/9/24 - https://westportwildcatweekly.blogspot.com/2024/09/wildcat-weekly-9824.html
Wildcat Weekly 9/15/24 - https://westportwildcatweekly.blogspot.com/2024/09/91524-wildcat-weekly.html
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