Monday, September 2, 2024

Westport Weekly - 9/2/24


I have spent several hours this weekend watching some of the Paralympics happening in Paris, and the word that continues to come to my mind is perseverance.  These outstanding athletes work daily through training, diet, and teamwork to achieve the world class performances we see on the screen each day.  While we only see a few minutes of effort every four years, we know there are daily hurdles these athletes face to accomplish their goals.  

What internal and external motivations exist for these athletes to persevere through so many hardships to achieve these amazing accomplishments.  These athletes remind me of our students.  While we know hurdles exist in the path to their success, WE as a TEAM have all the ability and strategies to coach our students through to the Gold Medal.  As we work through this school year, what coaching and teamwork can we use and put together to persevere to the WIN?

We know through research and practice that PLC/PLT work and our professional teams are key to us moving forward and into success.  Focused lessons and assessments will prepare them for what comes next.  As we meet as PLT’s over the next weeks and months, let’s work on focused and targeted lessons and assessments to train our students for success.

Let’s do this together, TEAM WESTPORT!


Westport K-8 Wildcat Chat Topics

Classroom Supplies


Counseling Corner

Student requests to see the counselor:

Please submit a request for students to see the counselor before sending them to our offices. Teachers may also call or email us to see if we are available. 

  • On Canvas, students may go to the Westport Counseling Commons and click “Ask to see a counselor”. Students will be directed to fill out a Google Form, which is sent directly to us. Teachers are also welcome to fill out the Google Form for their students. Feel free to pin the link below!

  • Middle school students may request to see their counselor using SmartPass. 

    • Once the students’ pass is approved, counselors will notify teachers and meet with the student.

Mark your calendars - Elementary

Mandated Reporting

The process for mandated reporting is linked on the Hub under “Counseling & Mandated Reporting”.

Step 1: Create a copy of the Hotline Mandatory Reporting Checklist and gather needed information

Step 2: Call the hotline phone number 800.392.3738 or complete the online report.

Step 3: Fill out and complete (typed) the Hotline Mandated Reporting Checklist and once completed send the form in an email to the appropriate counselor


Step 4: A counselor completes the District Google Form. 


If you have any questions or need support with this process, please reach out to your grade level counselor. 

SPS Kick Up Information
The following HR Updates/Reminders:

Student Teachers (2024-2025)- Please ensure that all student teachers (not practicum students) have completed the attached packet and submit to:

KickUp Platform (for evaluations)-

Resources for evaluations:

Support for KickUp: The IT Department is the point of contact for KickUp rostering and evaluation cycle assignment (not HR).

2024-2025 Annualized Stipend Reporting Process- due no later than August 28, 2024. HR/Payroll will have to start on their Sept. 15th paycheck accordingly.

Instructional Highlights

Elementary School (Leigh Anne Patrick, Learning Coach)

Congratulations, on the second successful week of school.   Galileo testing for 1st-3rd will take place on September 4th for ELA and September 5th for Math.  The Galileo dyslexia screener window closes September 6th.  Please make sure you are checking your lists for students who may need to complete this if they were absent during testing last week.  Brandon Messner will be your guest coach for Team Meetings this week on the topic of Math Fluency.  It is a device down meeting.  Team Meetings on September 12th will be devoted to looking at your student Phonics, Phonological Awareness (if applicable) and your BAS assessments to use data to divide your students into reading groups.  I have loved seeing evidence of the new ELA curriculum when I am visiting classrooms.  THANK YOU for embracing it and being learners.  I know it is a big change, but your diligence will pay off for our students!

Unit 1 will begin the week of the 9th for 1st through 5th grade, and the week of the 16th for Kindergarten.  If you need help going through the first week, I am happy to help!

Middle School (Jeffrey Pettibone, Learning Coach): 

Week 2 is now under our belt!

If you normally have a PLT meeting on Monday, that will be pushed to Tuesday.  We will discuss the CFA and DCA Data Tracker and what Coaching Cycles will look like this year. With Coaching Cycles, you will receive the sign-up sheet so that you can begin planning that. 

With Coaching Cycles, the expectation is to sign up for one coaching cycle per year (excluding Year 1 teachers). This cycle will consist of three meetings. #1: Planning (during your plan period). #2: Observation (during a class period of your choice). #3: Reflection (during your plan period). 

Remember our district's effort to utilize cooperative learning strategies. If you need a few of those, there are Kagen books on top of the bookshelf in the Professional Library (the small room off of the Library). Here are a few to consider:

  1. Rotating Review (also called “Parking Lots”)- the teacher posts aspects of the topic to be reviewed on separate sheets of chart paper. Students rotate individually or in partners to each piece of chart paper and record their ideas on each aspect of the topic. 

  1. Corners- students in each group of four select a number from 1 to 4. Corners of the room are assigned a number from 1 to 4. Each corner group is assigned to discuss one aspect of the topic and then return to their original group to report what they learned. 

September Focus: 

  • Indicator 5.1 “The teacher uses an understanding of individual/group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages active engagement in learning, positive social interaction, and self-motivation."

  • Positive Classroom Environment and Classroom Management

 Tips From Dr. Marzano: Designing Effective Classroom Management

  • The following tips are designed to assist you in applying the latest research in tangible ways in your classroom:

Teachers should create clear expectations and corresponding rules for their classrooms.

·       Expectations are general behavioral guidelines that apply to all students and all routines within a classroom. Rules stem from expectations and pertain to specific activities or routines. For example, a teacher might establish “Be safe” as an expectation within the classroom. The same teacher might then create the following rules for lunchtime: “Eat your own food, Keep your hands to yourself, Stay in your seat,” and so on. The rules stem directly from the initial expectation that students be safe, but provide more specific guidelines for students to follow.

There are three ways for teachers to create behavioral expectations.

·       When creating behavioral expectations for the classroom, teachers can identify criteria in the following three ways: (1) a school’s mission statement, (2) student input, or (3) analysis of classroom behavior data. In order to create behavioral expectations that are aligned with a school’s mission statement, teachers should read their school mission statement and identify what qualities are valued by the school. 

o   Westport Mission:

§  “Leverage team strengths of the Westport community to ensure academic growth for ALL!”

o   Westport Vision: “Westport will be a venue for academic success!”

· To create expectations based on student input, teachers should give students a chance to identify characteristics of their ideal learning environment. This can occur through class surveys or class discussions. Finally, to create expectations based on classroom behavior data, teachers should consider the most prevalent problem behaviors (either in past years or ongoing) and create expectations that address those behaviors.

“Westport Teachers will reinforce positive student behaviors, and met expectations, by handing out ROAR-Wards to all students who meet expectations set in the Wildcat Pact.”

  •  Please review school wide expectations below on the matrix:

 Cooperative Learning Corner:

The Why: Its all about engagement!

Kagan Cooperative Learning – Berkley Charter Elementary

The How: Below are six different Kagan Cooperative Learning Strategies you can implement in your classroom this month to help increase student engagement, help build a positive classroom environment, and support classroom management during Tier 1 instruction. Research shows the incorporation of Kagan Cooperative Learning Strategies reduces behavior incidents in the classroom. 

 Westport Communication Tree

Who do I ask or talk to?

Important Dates

  • Friday, September 6, #GiveSPS Day

#GiveSPS Day: This is our 24-hour online fundraiser where all proceeds will benefit Back to School Grants submitted by our educators. Donors do have the opportunity to direct their donation to your site meaning…more money that could be awarded to your site!

  • Friday, September 13, Grant Delivery Day

Our Christmas in September…This is the day volunteers and donors join us to surprise educators who submitted and will receive a Back to School Grant. Our office will be in touch with your site closer to date if you have a grant recipient.


The ROAR-Store has been a HUGE success! Thank you for helping uphold, encouraging, and reinforcing positive behaviors by handing out ROAR-wards. KEEP IT UP!

We are always looking for the following items to put in the store if you have any that you're not using, or come across any throughout the year, that you are willing to donate 🙂

  • Bookmarks

  • Fun pencils or pens 

  • Mini erasers

  • Lanyards

  • Fidgets

  • Athletic balls/equipment 

  • Stuffed animals (especially Squishmallows) 

  • Stickers 

  • Glow sticks

  • Playdough

  • LEGOs

  • Bubbles

  • Popits 

  • Pokémon cards

  • Toys of any kind

  • Small trinkets 

  • Candy (left over at Halloween or Christmas)

  • Any blue or orange plastic bins 

  • Plastic bags (Target, Walmart, etc) elementary bags up their items and puts them in their backpacks after shopping so the items do not become a distraction during the day.

ROAR-Ward Guidelines

Below are some guidelines for handing out ROAR-wards to ensure building wide equity:

  • $1 Recognized ROAR behavior (multiple daily)

    • Respectful, Organized, Attend, Responsible

  • $1 Daily Attendance - must be on time (homeroom AM and 1st period)

  • $5 School job completion

  • $5 Trash pick up

  • $5 Friday Bonus for assignments completed (teacher preference)

  • $10 weekly 90%-99.9% attendance (list provided each week)

  • $20 weekly 100% attendance (list provided each week)

  • $10-$20 ROAR-wards should only be handed out for attendance

Adopt an Administrator

The administrative team is excited to be in your classrooms and with your students.  Please take a moment to sign your class up for opportunities for administration team members to participate in activities in your classroom.  Example activities could include: reading books, science lab, etc.

Please email an administrator with a date and time, so we can come to your class and be with your kiddos.

Westport K-8 Professional Learning

Westport K8 PLC Calendar 

District Approved Communication Tools

#WildcatsLove2Learn - Band App

Please join the Westport K-8 Band App group for building only communication. This is not a communication platform for student communication.

All Middle School Teachers & Staff - Remind App 

This is the required district communication tool for all Middle School teachers & staff.

All Elementary School Teachers & Staff - Seesaw App

This will be the required district communication tool for all Elementary School teachers & staff.

  Building Committee Reps

Guiding Coalition This team is singularly responsible for leading PLC processes at the school. Team members spend their entire meeting time on leading the PLC. The team primarily focuses on student learning, a collaborative culture, and results.

After meeting with Dr. Davis and the administrative team, we have reviewed the list of individuals who are interested in participating in the Guiding Coalition.

The review focused around our BSIP needs and the direction of the building as we move forward. Building-wide we will be focusing on Literacy & Numeracy, Attendance, and PBIS.

The guiding coalition will begin meeting on: 9-17-2024 in the library. Calendar Invites will follow for those on the team.

We will have 2-guiding coalitions an Elementary and Middle School, these 2-teams will be able to work together and independently to target the needs and focuses of this community.

Elementary Guiding Coalition

Middle School Guiding Coalition









1st Grade








3rd Grade




5th Grade






















Social Committee - Members: Christopher Davis, Adrienne Deckard, Terry Mitchell, Sheri Butts, Natalie Yost, Jillian Morris, Emme Gray, Dori Beckner, Jeffrey Pettibone, Katelyn Hayter-Gammon, Chrystal James.

Amanda Foster and Jillian Morris will be reaching out to you all to schedule a meeting to discuss yearly plans and assign roles 🙂

Social Committee Cabinet Dream Team!

President: Amanda Foster

Treasurer: Jillian Morris

Admin Support: Adrienne Deckard, Terry Mitchell, Chris Davis

Calendar Invites

You will be receiving building wide calendar invites to building activities.  This will include items such as: PLC meetings, Staff Meetings, etc.

Master Schedule



Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be the week of:  October 21st - October 24th 

  • Thursday will be the late night until 7:00pm 

  • Other nights until 5:00pm

Guidelines for Parent-Teacher Conferences:

To enhance clarity and promote collaboration, Westport will have one (1) late parent/teacher conference night during the District approved parent/teacher conference window, ending no earlier than 7 pm. To accommodate families who cannot attend the designated late night, individual teachers will offer additional dates and conference times during the District approved conference window, working no less than 7.25 hours off contract time. Teachers will submit their conference schedules in advance of their first scheduled parent/teacher conference. Teachers will also submit a conference log at the conclusion of the parent/teacher conference window.

Please communicate your schedule to your team supervisor.

Focus Rooms


Find items that I've picked out specifically for our team.

There is also spirit wear available for your family and friends.

Check out the shop details below.



    - Shop Now:

    - Store Open From: August 21 - September 12, 2024