This week has been full from the beginning to the end. Our team repeatedly was taking actions to focus on the needs of our students and our building. This is why I know our team can successfully set high expectations for our students and make a habit of being excellent educators for our Westport community. Below are the 7-Habits to Highly Effective Teachers. As you reflect on the last few weeks, how are you using these 7 habits to be EFFECTIVE in the classroom?
As adults, these habit creations look the same as they do for our students…
Be Proactive (Classroom Mgt. Plan, Lesson Plan, Classroom Schedule):
Act in the classroom, not re-act
Every teacher needs a pause button
Teachers are free to choose: Self-awareness, conscience, imagination, independent will
Be a positive influence on your student’s emotional bank accounts
Begin with the End in Mind (SMART Goals, Assessment Goals)
Teachers need a destination and a compass
A Teacher’s Mission Statement
Are teacher’s principle centered?
The end should always be “what is best for the children under your care.”
Planning ahead always makes things better
Put First Things First (What is you WHY? In the classroom)
Establish priorities in the classroom and at home
Balance academics with social skills, character education, health and self esteem
Be an ADVOCATE for children
Think WIN-WIN!!!!! (How do you schedule this into your classroom schedule)
Adopt the attitude: “Let me listen to you first” or “Help me to understand” with students and parents.
Positive discipline - How can you and the student win??? No power struggles.
Moving children from “me” to “we”
Class Meetings where agreements rule.
Seek First to Understand (ALL children can learn, No Sarcasm))
Recognize your prejudices in the classroom and work to overcome them.
All children want to belong - avoid miscommunications.
Practice Empathic Listening - the highest form of listening.
Give honest feedback to children and parents.
Synergize (PLT, PLC, Social Committee, etc).
Work together with teachers, parents, children, administrators.
Value and celebrate differences.
Involve people in the problem and work out the solution together (great playground strategy)
Never give up - small victories lead to larger ones.
Sharpen the Saw (how do you work with kids outside the classroom environment)
Renew yourself: physically, socially, mentally, and spiritually.
Nurture your relationship with children.
Begin your day with children with some quiet time to reflect.
Always grow - be a better teacher tomorrow than you were today.
Westport K-8 Wildcat Chat Topics
School Safety & Communications
This last week we were part of a nationwide social media non credible threat. These types of threats are very common (UNFORTUNATELY), but as all threats, they are each treated seriously by everyone involved. As a reminder, we treat all threats as real until they are fully investigated and vetted.
It is important to remember that there are very important steps, we as educators and employees must follow:
If you become aware of any social media threat, please report to Courage2Report immediately.Reporting allows Courage2Report staff to see the trends occurring in the state and the country.
Next contact a building administrator. We will immediately communicate with all the other required contacts (ie school police, district administration, etc).
Remember do not repost when you see threatening messages on social media, and do not continue to communicate the information with others. Additionally, report the threat on the social media app, they work in conjunction with law enforcement world-wide to address these threats, and trace them through the internet.
As a reminder the following measures are in place to make our school is as safe as possible:
All communication about these threats must come from administration or district personnel. If information is released to parents, students or the community it must be done with specific requirements being met. Random comments or incorrect reports can cause unnecessary panic and stress. Remember: ALL REAL SECURITY CONCERNS at WESTPORT will be communicated to you through our designated communication tools.
SPS has its own commissioned school police force, which provides support to our school when needed. Officers are assigned to every high school and middle school and an officer is assigned to patrol areas around schools.
Our school has developed specific plans and procedures that are followed to prevent safety concerns and to respond in the event there is an emergency.
Teachers and staff have received training that they follow in the event of an emergency, which includes various responses depending upon the specifics of the situation.
All exterior doors are always locked when school is in session and visitors must be buzzed in through a secure vestibule to gain access to the office. Once in the office, visitors must show identification and pass a security check before being allowed to enter areas where there are students.
Security film has been installed on all ground floor windows and doors of our school to help prevent anyone from gaining unauthorized entry into the building.
We will always communicate with parents if there is an active threat to student safety or if parents need to take action related to a safety issue during the school day.
Staff of the Month Nominations
Starting for October, Westport Staff Member of the Month Nominations will come from the staff. Criteria to consider when making nominations include:
Excellence: Consistently helping students & staff advance to higher levels of academic or social achievement.
Motivation: Encouraging students to go beyond their expectations academically and socially. Supporting faculty with daily tasks and activities without direction.
Leadership: Serving as a leader in the classroom and throughout the school.
Community service: Being active in community or service organizations to demonstrate civic responsibility.
Impact: Continually making an impact on students and others.
Nurses Notes
Just a reminder about our schedule during the week: Please refrain from sending students the first or last 30 min of the school day.
I also wanted to note to read any emails from the nurses:
We communicate regarding times for different events we are in charge of.
We send out info with plenty of time to make changes.
We will keep our original plans if a change is needed and not communicated.
Wellness Corner
Westport Wellness Champion - Nurse Katelyn
This position will include weekly and monthly letters regarding Employee Health and Wellness.
Check out our Employee Assistance Resources here
October 1st, 2024
Reply to the nurse email if interested
You MUST bring your insurance card to receive a vaccine.
IF you do not have SPS Med Pay insurance please let us know in the email so we can get other forms for you.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS - The Health Risk Assessment
Westport Library
January 9th, 2025
6 AM-8:30 AM
Superintendent Solutions
Each year Dr. Lathan offers opportunities for staff to work with her in sessions called, “Superintendent Solutions”. Dr. Lathan will be engaging again with teachers this year during Superintendent Solutions. The first session for the year will be October 2 and 3.
We have not received a confirmed list of teachers from our building who have been selected, when I have that information I will make sure to post it in here.
Student Support Sessions
There are several student groups whose meeting times will occur during the school day. These sessions are provided to students who can benefit from resources so their learning can be enhanced. Below are some of these sessions:
WINGS: Wednesdays at Phelps
Male Empowerment Group: Select 4th & 5th Grade students Wednesdays from 12:20-1:00.
4th - Ksiah Williams, Kingslee Riley, Herson Aparicio, Ras Coleman, and Cooper Shelton
5th - Meki McCalister, MJ Neal, Malachi Williams, August Watson, and Hayden Flagg
Mentoring Program: Selected Students will meet on select days at lunch
Newcomer Academy: Select ELD students will travel off campus to meet with other ELD students across the district.
Conscious Discipline Corner
The Welcome Back Ritual/Absent Child Ritual
We know children learn best when they feel connected to others in their School Family. The Welcome Back ritual reminds all that they still belong to the School Family, even when they aren’t present physically.
For the Classroom and Center
• Materials Needed:
Family Communication – to be sent out before starting the Welcome Back Ritual ( or before any major changes to its use)
A Wish Well Board (is helpful if it can be a smaller tool that can be easily moved to different locations)
Pictures/names of all students and adults in your classroom, school, or parent group family.
Steps to Success:
Send out family communication prior to starting or changing the Welcome Back Ritual. Communicate in as many ways as possible: meetings, letters home, emails, phone, text, etc.
As part of your morning circle or meeting, if a child/adult has returned to the classroom/center/group, take time to welcome that person back into the School Family – no matter the reason they are gone.
Sing a song, make a chant, and send a Wish Well if needed. Whatever works for your group as a welcome back method.
Welcome Back - After Behavior Incident
When a student is removed from the classroom and taken out by an administrator there needs to be a welcome back to the class/restorative conversation. Below is an example of a restorative conversation that must be had as the student re-enters the classroom. This conversation does not need to be a disciplinary conversation.
The purpose of the conversation is to rebuild the relationship between the student and teacher. The teacher DOES NOT need to mention the behavior displayed by the student that caused them to be removed from the classroom. The teacher must handle this conversation with care as you do not want to re-escalate the student.
Teacher- “Welcome back to class.” “We missed you and are glad you are back with us.”
Student- “Thank you.”
Teacher- While you were out we…..” How can I help you get started?”
Student- “......”
Teacher- “Sounds great, let’s get to work.”
Cooperative Learning Corner
This weeks Cooperative Learning Focus is: MIX-PAIR-SHARE
How are you ensuring the use of these high quality teaching strategies in your classroom daily?
Answer HERE; Did you incorporate last week's Kagan strategy? INSIDE, OUTSIDE CIRCLE
Social Committee Connection
Concessions Stand Volunteer Sign Up: sign up here to run a home game concessions stand - all profits go to the social committee
We are always working hard to ensure a positive culture and climate within our school, IT STARTS WITH US, and our social committee is a great way to help accomplish that! Westport does not have a PTA and our social committee helps to fill that gap.
Social Committee Dues: certified $25, non-certified $15 Cash or Check
ALL Dues – are paid to Stacy and are due by October 20th; Stacy keeps track of who has paid their dues.
Once you have paid your dues you will get a JEANS DAY sticker! 🙂
Social Committee Dues Support:
Monthly PotLuck organizing
Baby/Adoption Showers
Wedding Showers
Funeral Flowers/Sympathy
Retirement Cake
Staff Sonic Drinks
Food & Coffee Trucks
12 days of Holiday Cheer
Teacher Appreciation Week
Paper Products for Monthly Food Days
Staff recognition days/weeks
THERE'S STILL TIME TO JOIN: Please complete the google form to let us know if you are interested in joining the Social Committee
Counseling Corner
Monday, September 16th - Ms. Watson only
Thursday, September 19th - Ms. Watson & Mrs. Hoffman
Middle School
Wednesday, September 18th - Mrs. Jordan & Mrs Hoffman
Friday, Sep 20, 2024 - Mrs. Jordan will be in SS classes all day
Middle School Counselor Request
Staff Read Aloud
Westport has the amazing opportunity to use social media to support the learning of our students and families at home. One such opportunity is by completing #ReadAlouds. Teachers record the reading of one of their favorite books, in landscape, and we post it on our school social media. Here is the LINK for submission. #Read2Succeed
Attendance Information
Attendance Terrace is open for students 5th - 8th grade that have 90%-100% attendance each week.
Elementary Attendance Buddies are starting Monday
SPS Kick Up Information
Kick-Up should be all ready to go for you now. Beginning of Year Indicator Selection & Growth Plan must be completed by SEPT. 22. You will have a brief required BOY meeting with your supervisor to review your growth plan, and the direction you wish to grow this year.
Steps to complete:
Select your 2-required & 1-personal indicator
Complete all the required Q & A sections, then submit your completed version
Educator Evaluation Guidebook- includes all requirements, in compliance with Educator CBA, KickUp resources, step by step directions, resources, growth guides, evaluation cycles in KickUp, etc.
Instructional Highlights
Elementary School (Leigh Anne Patrick, Learning Coach)
WOOHOO! Testing is almost completely finished. Many thanks to Carrie and Shannon for pitching in and helping our fabulous teachers. During team meetings we successfully placed students into small groups, so those will be able to start next week. If you need assistance with your small group focus, I am happy to help. ***The small group books from Benchmark are leveled by lexile. At our first team meeting, I gave you a resource with text levels and a lexile correlation chart. That will be an important tool for you to utilize.
All assessments need to be entered into Educlimber ASAP. I am preparing data for our data boards and will have those up by next Thursday(fingers crossed).
Please make sure your standards(number only) are listed with your “I can” statements.
I have reached out for more information for you on gradecards and standards based grading. There are many new things this year, so give yourselves grace. It is a huge learning curve with new curriculum and new grading policies. I am confident as you embrace the new ELA curriculum and the rigorous pacing, you will find your stride.
Middle School (Jeffrey Pettibone, Learning Coach):
Week 4 is complete! We are now halfway through Quarter 1!
Remember to sign up for a middle school Coaching Cycle. The expectation is to sign up for one coaching cycle per year (excluding Year 1 teachers). This cycle will consist of three meetings. #1: Planning (during your plan period). #2: Observation (during a class period of your choice). #3: Reflection (during your plan period).
In addition, be sure to be utilizing cooperative learning strategies. It can be a short turn and talk with a shoulder partner to review what was just said. Those small transition periods are great for maximizing our time and learning potential. They don’t always have to be a big organized, or time-consuming item in your lesson. Just a few minutes here or there, even at the end of class is great. Here are a few strategies to consider:
Sages Share- the teacher provides a topic and students brainstorm ideas about the topic. Students record all ideas on the same sheet (recorder) and then students initial the ideas they could explain to the whole class. The class can then select “sages” from the group who have initialed the idea to explain their contributions.
Rotating Peer Review- during times when students are presenting information to the class, feedback can be achieved in written form by having students record information on various posted anchor charts for their groups around the room. This is great for summarizing information shared!
September Instructional Highlights
September Instructional Focus: (Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Lee)
Positive Classroom Environment and Classroom Management
Indicator 5.1 “The teacher uses an understanding of individual/group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages active engagement in learning, positive social interaction, and self-motivation.”
Focus on:
Clear expectations and corresponding rules
Behavioral expectations (supported by PBIS)
Use of Kagan Cooperative Learning Strategies
Effective questioning strategies
Providing students academic choices
Pacing and chunking
Proximity - break the plane
Please reach out to a learning coach or assistant principal if you are interested in signing up to attend a model classroom workshop.
Focus Boards (examples):
Elementary Focus Board Expectations: Elementary Specials Focus Board Expectations:
Middle School Focus Board Expectations:
Digital Focus Board Example Expectations:
24-25 Parent Involvement Nights
All certified staff are required to attend 3 out of the 4 yearly parent involvement nights.
Here is the link to the spreadsheet where you track your PI Night attendance.
24-25 Parent Involvement Night Dates:
Wednesday October 30, 2024 Fall Fest Event 4:30-6:30
Thursday March 13, 2025 Westport Art in the Park 4:00- 6:00
Wednesday April 23, 2025 Academic Showcase 4:30- 6:30
24-25 Athletics and Activities
Event Dates: 9/16/2024 - 9/20/2024
9/16/24 Volleyball Lebanon
9/17/24 Bulldogs v Carthage @Carthage (Football)
9/19/24 Volleyball @ Ozark
9/19/24 Bulldogs v Carthage @Hillcrest (Football)
Important Dates
Tuesday September 17, 2024 - Committee Team Meetings
Thursday September 19, 2024 - Required Staff Meeting
Wednesday October 30, 2024 - Fall Fest Event 4:30-6:30
Friday, November 11, 2024 - Land of Smiles 12:00pm -1:30pm
Thursday, January 9, 2025 - HRA for staff in Library from 6:00 AM-8:30 AM
Thursday March 13, 2025 - Westport Art in the Park 4:00- 6:00
Wednesday April 23, 2025 - Academic Showcase 4:30- 6:30
Positive Behavior Intervention Support
PBIS Lesson Plans: Tier 1 Classroom Support
Tier 1 PBIS includes explicitly teaching expected behaviors. Use the plans below to teach expected behaviors.
School-Wide Positive Behavior Reinforcement
The elementary class that earned the most ROAR-wards in the month of August was
Ms. McGuire's class! - Ms. McGuire, please see Mrs. Ross for a special PRIZE!
Who will win next month?!?!
$1 for ROAR behavior (multiple daily)
Respectful, Organized, Attend, Responsible
$1 Daily Attendance - must be on time (homeroom AM and 1st period)
$5 School job completion
$5 Trash pick up (inside and outside)
$5 Friday Bonus for assignments completed (teacher preference)
$10 weekly 90%-99.9% attendance (list provided each week - handed out in 8th period for MS)
$20 weekly 100% attendance (list provided each week - handed out in 8th period for MS)
*$10-$20 ROAR-wards should only be handed out for attendance
Shopping Dates & Schedule: Elementary
Friday 11/1 Monday 12/2 Tuesday 1/7 Tuesday 2/3 Monday 3/3 Tuesday 4/1 Thursday 5/1
Shopping schedule- we will use the same shopping schedule each month.
Shopping Dates & Schedule: Middle School
CLICK HERE for the Middle School Shopping Schedule
Please bring to Mrs. Ross, Dr. Mitchell, or Mrs. Deckard
English Language Learners
Need help communicating with English Language Learners?
Google Translate: Free Language Translation with over 130 available languages.
Language Line: Speak with a live interpreter, available in over 240 languages.
Dial: 1-866-874-3972
Client ID: 566187
3 Digit Access Code: 375
* Email for a new Language Line card.
Adopt an Administrator
The administrative team is excited to be in your classrooms and with your students. Please take a moment to sign your class up for opportunities for administration team members to participate in activities in your classroom. Example activities could include: reading books, science lab, etc.2
9/13-9/20 Hite, Ross, Mitchell In Class Read Aloud Sign Up: Sign Up HERE
Please email an administrator with a date and time, so we can come to your class and be with your kiddos.
Building Committee Reps
President: Amanda Foster
Vice President: Dori Beckner
Secretary: Jeffrey Pettibone
Treasurer: Jillian Morris
Admin Support: Adrienne Deckard, Terry Mitchell, Chris Davis, Alex Ross, JoAnn Hite
Westport Mission & Vision
Leverage the strengths of the Westport community to ensure academic growth for ALL!
Westport will be a venue for academic success!
Westport’s Collective Commitments
Our Team will:
Make decisions which are student-centered and aligned to our WHY!
Be present to model consistent process and expectations
Leverage learning opportunities to increase instructional minutes
Presume positive intent in other to maintain positive mindsets
Previous Newsletter
Wildcat Weekly 8/18/24 -
Wildcat Weekly 8/25/24 -
Wildcat Weekly 9/1/24 -
Wildcat Weekly 9/9/24 -
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