Sunday, September 29, 2024

Wildcat Weekly - 9/29/24


Westport Mission & Vision

Mission: Leverage the strengths of the Westport community to ensure academic growth for ALL!

Vision: Westport will be a venue for academic success!

Westport’s Collective Commitments: Our Team will:

  • Make decisions which are student-centered and aligned to our WHY!

  • Be present to model consistent processes and expectations!

  • Leverage learning opportunities to increase instructional minutes!

  • Presume positive intent in order to maintain positive mindsets!

Week at a Glance

Monday 9/30 - 

Campus Events: 

Admin off Campus:

Athletic Events: N/A

Tuesday 10/1 - 

Campus Events: 


  • CLICK HERE for the ELE Shopping Schedule

    • On Monday, please enter the number of ROAR-wards your student has earned for the month so that they are ready to shop when your class arrives. 

  • Student Council Meeting (Middle School recycling pick up)

  • 4th Grade Field Trip - Camp Wakonda

Admin off Campus: 

Athletic Events:  

  • Cross Country @ Republic 4:00pm

  • Football @ Glendale 7:00pm

Wednesday 10/2

Campus Events: 

  • ELD Academy

  • Wings

  • 4th & 5th Grade Boys Empowerment Group

Admin off Campus: 

Athletic Events: 

  • 7th and 8th grade Volleyball @ Pipkin 5:30pm

Thursday 10/3 - District T-Shirt Day

Campus Events: 

  • STORM DRILL 8:20-8:40

  • Elementary PLTs

Admin off Campus:

Athletic Events: 

  • Football @ Joplin 7:00pm

Friday 10/4

Campus Events: 

Admin off Campus:

Athletic Events:

  • 7th grade Volleyball @ Westport 5:30pm

  • 8th grade Volleyball @ Reed 5:30pm

Looking Ahead - October

  • Middle School Dance Thursday October 17th, 2024 2:30-4:30pm

  • Fall Fest: Wednesday October 30, 2024 4:30-6:30


Elementary Bus Evacuation Information

Bus Evacuation Schedule & Directions 

The Bus Evacuation Schedule is shown in the graphic.  Teachers should play the video linked below titled, K-5 Bus Evacuation Video, on the date corresponding with your start time Tier.  Drivers will handle the evacuation drill once students are dismissed to the bus.  

K-5 Bus Evacuation Video

Staff of the Month Recognition

Westport Elementary

Teacher of the Month


Westport Middle School

Teacher of the Month


Westport K-8

Staff of the Month


Staff of the Month Nominations

Nomination Link 

Nominations close at the end of school 9/30  Teachers will be announced on BAND APP on the 10/1.

 October Social Connection

Teach Forward

Teach Forward - November 5, 2024

  • The November 5 Teach Forward event will be a three-hour professional development opportunity designed with teacher growth and choice in mind! 

  • From 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM, educators will have the freedom to choose one session that aligns with their interests and professional goals.

  • An email with the full session list, as well as sign-up information, will be sent in the coming weeks. 

  • Locations will be based on session enrollments so we can maximize choice across the district.

October 18th - End of Quarter Day

Per the Educator Collective Bargaining Agreement, there can be no professional learning for teachers on October 18th, subsequent end-of-quarter days may include up to two hours of professional learning. 

Nurses Notes

Last Call for Staff Flu Vaccines! Bring your insurance card and wear a short sleeve shirt on 10/1/24

Student Flu vaccines will be on 10/25/24, be watching your mailboxes for forms!

Wellness Corner

Don’t forget to utilize our Employee Assistance Program

Fitness Center Reimbursement

  1. All individuals on the SPS health plan are eligible to receive $500 of annual reimbursement from an approved fitness facility.

  2. To begin the benefit, schedule a time to complete your HRA at (Westport to host event Jan. 9th, 2025, 6am-8:30am). The month you complete your HRA is the month you qualify for reimbursement.

  3. Attend at least 8 times per month and receive 50% of the monthly membership fee; attend 12 or more times per month and receive 100% of the monthly membership fee.

  4. Claim forms request a new facility form, and a list of approved facilities can be found at the district’s wellness site. Or contact your Site Wellness Champion.

Cooperative Learning Corner

One effective way to set your year up for success is to implement cooperative learning structures from the start. By using these structures to explain, practice, and reinforce classroom routines and procedures, you can clarify your expectations while also fostering a sense of belonging among all students. This approach ensures that when standards-based learning begins, students will already be familiar with some cooperative learning structures and understand your expectations for working together. 

Continue to implement the following: 

Social Committee Connection

THANK YOU for a FABULOUS first potluck! Stay tuned for some spooky fun coming in the next few weeks! 

We still need your help! Concessions Stand Volunteer Sign Up: sign up here to run a home game concessions stand - all profits go to the social committee to support fun activities throughout the year

Action Required: Social Committee Dues: certified $25, non-certified $15 Cash or Check

ALL Dues – are paid to Stacy and are due by October 20th; Stacy keeps track of who has paid their dues. 

Once you have paid your dues you will receive a Wildcat Wealth! 🙂

Counseling Corner


October elementary school counseling lessons help children understand the signs of anger and strategies to manage anger within ourselves. Lessons this month also include topics on friendship and how to include others. Later this month is National Red Ribbon Week, which is a week to raise awareness about healthy habits and safe choices. 

Middle School

In October, middle school counselors will focus on promoting healthy choices through interactive classroom lessons and activities. Counselors will emphasize positive decisions for mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

Instructional Highlights

Elementary School (Leigh Anne Patrick, Learning Coach)

You may have had a visitor to your classroom this week from the fabulous Kyndal Monsanto.  She was in our building and visited several classrooms to see the implementation of the Benchmark ELA curriculum.  Thank you for embracing this learning opportunity.  I have loved working with the small group books with both teachers and students.  Utilizing how to plan for several groups and differentiating the phonics/phonological awareness activities should help streamline your instructional planning for small groups.

TST training will be next week during team meetings. If you have the book, How to Plan for Differentiated Reading Instruction, bring that with you.  You will get your student list and we will plan TOGETHER to maximize your impact without overwhelming you with another task to plan.

Elementary Grade Cards

Grade Card Slides: The next several slides provide options for tracking student proficiency over time.  

Here is option 1.

  • In TAC, create an “assignment” labeled as each of the essential standards.  As you observe student learning and analyze independent practice and other formative assessments, enter a proficiency level between 1 and 4.  Assessments and proficiency scales are provided for each essential standard in the curriculum guides.  

  • As you watch student learning over time and students grow in their proficiency, record an additional essential standard “assignment” and the new proficiency level. 


Another option is to enter the competency for each standard in TAC, as would typically be done at the end of the quarter.  These are open to teachers all quarter, and teachers can adjust the proficiency score as they see students growing in mastery of the standard.  However, parents cannot see this until the report card window is open and grades are “posted”.


Middle School (Jeffrey Pettibone, Learning Coach)

It is great to be back in the building for the last two days of this week. We learned a lot about PLC implementation and strategies for building collective efficacy in our building. I look forward to making small and gradual changes in my practice to better assist you and our students. Ultimately, our work is doing what is best for kids. See you this week in PLCs. 

UPDATE: Brandi Compass, our new Title I Learning Coach, will officially join us on October 7th! We will update you around that time on what she will take on and how we will distribute the workload equally. With that said, changes will be necessary in Q2 with her joining the team. 

Where are we now?

Davis, Olivera and Pettibone - Data Update Attendance, Discipline, Academic (BSIP)

  • BSIP Goals and Action Steps

  • Current Building Enrollment: 343 (Elementary)   450 (Middle School)

    • Math- 6th Grade (52%); 7th Grade (37%); 8th Grade (41%). Action Steps: 

1.Teachers will calibrate Tier I Instruction to the SIG (Standard Implementation Guide).

• Warm-Up & Objectives

2. Explore, identify and implement Marzano Strategies to increase student learning in Tier I instruction.

3. Teachers will calibrate grading practices by working in PLTs to analyze DCA/CFA data to inform instruction.

  • Literacy- 6th Grade (54%); 7th Grade (63%); 8th Grade (48%). Action Steps:

1.Teachers will calibrate Tier I Instruction to the SIG (Standard Implementation Guide).

• Warm-Up & Objectives

2. Explore, identify and implement Marzano Strategies to increase student learning in Tier I instruction.

3. Teachers will use PLT time to analyze student data and determine teaching strategies, interventions and extensions that support student growth and proficiency.

  • Science- 8th Grade (44%). Action Steps:

1.Teachers will calibrate Tier I Instruction to the SIG (Standard Implementation Guide).

• Warm-Up & Objectives

2. Explore, identify and implement Marazano strategies to increase student learning in Tier I instruction.

3. Teachers will examine student work in weekly PLTs to plan for instruction: Questions 2-4 (reteach, intervene, move forward in scope)

  • Social Studies- Action Steps:

1.Teachers will calibrate Tier I Instruction to the SIG (Standard Implementation Guide).

• Warm-Up & Objectives

2. Explore, identify and implement Marazano strategies to increase student learning in Tier I instruction.

3. Teachers will examine student work in weekly PLTs to plan for instruction: Questions 2-4 (reteach, intervene, move forward in scope)

24-25 Parent Involvement Nights

All certified staff are required to attend 3 out of the 4 yearly parent involvement nights. 

Action Required: Here is the link to the spreadsheet where you track your PI Night attendance. 

Important Dates

  • Monday, October 7th, 2024 - SPED 101 Training

  • Thursday October 17th, 2024 - Middle School Dance 2:30-4:30pm

  • Wednesday October 30, 2024 - Fall Fest Event 4:30-6:30

  • Friday, November 11, 2024 - Land of Smiles 12:00pm -1:30pm 

  • Thursday, January 9, 2025 - HRA for staff in Library from 6:00 AM-8:30 AM

  • Thursday March 13, 2025 - Westport Art in the Park 4:00- 6:00

  • Wednesday April 23, 2025 - Academic Showcase 4:30- 6:30

  • Thursday, Nov. 7, 2024 -  4th & 5th Grade Show “We Love our Veterans” 6:00

  • Thursday, December 17, 2024 - 2nd & 3rd Grade Show “Santa Claus is On His Way,”  6:00

  • Thursday, January 9th, 2024 - ALICE TRAINING

  • Thursday, January 30th, 2024 - Student Access & Opportunity

  • Thursday, April 24, 2025 - Kindergarten & 1st Grade Show  “Theme TBA”  6:00


PBIS Collaboration

Members of the PBIS team, as well as other teachers and staff,  have requested optional collaboration opportunities to share ideas and align practices. This includes creating Tier 1 procedure menus, clarifying Tier 2 and 3 responses, and modifying the structure of the PBIS incentive program for middle school students. There will be an optional PBIS Collaboration immediately following the SPED 101 training on October 7. We have also started a shared Google Doc for PBIS collaboration HERE


If you need more ROAR-wards please reach out to Dr. Mitchell (ELE), or Mrs. Deckard (MS). If you notice students having more than $300 ROAR-wards please start having conversations about how this is likely not possible. If students are giving them their ROAR-wards they need to be turned in. If students are not interested in the ROAR-ward program encourage them to not accept them. If you notice ROAR-wards being given away, stolen, or items “sold” for them please contact your AP so we can handle the situation accordingly. 

ROAR-Store Shopping Dates: Elementary

Friday 11/1     Monday 12/2     Tuesday 1/7     Tuesday 2/3     

Monday 3/3    Tuesday 4/1     Thursday 5/1

ROAR-Store Shopping Dates: Middle School 


Friday 9/27

Monday 9/30


Wednesday 10/30 

Thursday 10/31 


Thursday 11/21  

Friday 11/22      


Thursday 12/19 

Friday 12/20

Click HERE for the Middle School Shopping Schedule  

Middle School Hallway Procedures

The first step of PBIS is designing and communicating clear policies and procedures. Please communicate and adhere to the middle school hallway procedures consistently.

  • SmartPass: Students MUST have an active SmartPass to be in the hallways during class periods. SmartPass allows us to track students’ time and frequency in the hallways. Paper passes should only be used if SmartPass is unavailable. Students who are in the hallways without an active SmartPass will be returned to the classroom with consequences for being out of the assigned area.

  • 10/10 Rule: Students should NOT travel in the first and last 10 minutes of class. Students in the hallways in the first and last 10 minutes of class will be returned to the classroom.

  • Tardy Passes: When the bell rings, please do not admit students to your class without a pass. They are required to go to the tardy station where late attendance is recorded and a pass is given. 

Student Access and Opportunity


Hispanic Heritage Month: Context for Teachers

Hispanic Heritage Month: Read-Alouds and Book Lists 

Famous Hispanic Americans 

Paper Banner Template and Instructions 

Dos and Don’ts of Intercultural Learning


Building Committee Reps

Click on this Title Link if you need to know your representatives.

Previous Newsletters