Sunday, December 15, 2024

12/15/24 - Wildcat Weekly

 Westport Mission & Vision

Mission: Leverage the strengths of the Westport community to ensure academic growth for ALL!

Vision: Westport will be a venue for academic success!

Westport’s Collective Commitments: Our Team will:

  • Make decisions which are student-centered and aligned to our WHY!

  • Be present to model consistent processes and expectations!

  • Leverage learning opportunities to increase instructional minutes!

  • Presume positive intent in order to maintain positive mindsets!

Staff & Student Spirit Week

Shop with A Hero

There is a possible opportunity for a few students to be selected to shop with a selected staff member.  If you are aware of a student who would benefit from this opportunity, please complete the form link below.  THIS IS SECRET, PLEASE DO NOT TELL the nominated students. 

Operation Warm Shoe Event

Change to Note: 6th grade will no longer be included in the event. We will have a supply of shoes after the event and will match as many 6th grade students to the appropriate sizes and colors as possible. 

A size mat and photo release forms will be in your mailbox on Monday. 

  • To streamline the event as much as possible, please collect size estimates for each of your students before leaving for winter break. Consider incorporating it into a fun activity, such as using it to discuss numbers and measurements. Your size list can be placed in Deckard’s mailbox. 

  • Photo release forms do not affect whether students get shoes, and should be brought with your class to the event. 


Click On

Reminder to pay attention to the clickable links to the right and along the top.  As we continue to add sections making the BLOG a one-stop-shop for all Westport information.  We still have several sections UNDER CONSTRUCTION…This means the link may be there, but there is nothing to see yet.

Key Spots for the Start of the Month:

  1. Cooperative Learning Corner

  2. Westport Social Committee

  3. Instructional Coaches

  4. Monthly Instructional Highlights

  5. Staff & Student Spotlight

  6. Social Committee

  7. PBIS Lessons located in PBIS (ELEM)

Key Spots for the Start of the Week:

  1. Week at a Glance - WAAG

  2. Must Do/May Do

  3. Nurses Notes

  4. Counselors Notes

Staff #Read2Succeed Support


For the month of December, we are trying to post a holiday read aloud each day, but we are about to run out 🙁 If you are willing, please record a winter holiday read aloud (in landscape) and either email or text it to Mrs. Ross! 417-300-3559  *you will receive a VERY special prize!!!

December Toolkits - Character Development

Drop Everything & Read - January 2, 2025

Third Quarter “READ 417” Challenge

District Announcements

Discipline Referrals:

  • Please make sure that you are entering your own referrals into TAC; data is based on teacher referral entry and when an AP enters it for you the data changes. 

  • If you need help entering referrals please talk with your team and/or refer to the BOY slides

ELE PBIS Celebration:

Wednesday 12/18 from 1:00-2:00

  • PBIS Party; top 3 classes with lowest ODRs -- Bounce House party with popcorn in elementary gym 

    • Classes: (A. Brown, Toomey, and Johnston)

ELE Attendance Celebrations: