Sunday, October 6, 2024

Wildcat Weekly - 10/6/24


Westport Mission & Vision

Mission: Leverage the strengths of the Westport community to ensure academic growth for ALL!

Vision: Westport will be a venue for academic success!

Westport’s Collective Commitments: Our Team will:

  • Make decisions which are student-centered and aligned to our WHY!

  • Be present to model consistent processes and expectations!

  • Leverage learning opportunities to increase instructional minutes!

  • Presume positive intent in order to maintain positive mindsets!

Week at a Glance

Monday 10/7 - 

Campus Events: 

  • SPED 101 Training

  • Optional PBIS collaboration immediately following SPED 101 

Admin off Campus:

Athletic Events:

  • 7th grade Volleyball @ Carver 5:30pm

  • 8th grade Volleyball @ Westport 5:30pm

Tuesday 10/8 - 

Campus Events: 

Admin off Campus: 

  • Lee AM

  • Deckard AM 

  • Leaving at 1:30: Hite, Ross, and Olivera

Athletic Events: N/A

Wednesday 10/9

Campus Events: 

  • ELD Academy

  • Wings

Admin off Campus: 

Athletic Events: N/A

Thursday 10/10 -

Campus Events: 

  • STORM DRILL 8:20-8:40

  • Elementary PLTs

Admin off Campus:

  • Hite ALL DAY

Athletic Events: 

  • Cross Country @ Lake Springfield 4:00pm

  • 7th grade Football @ Neosho 7:00pm

  • 8th grade Football @ Central 7:00pm 

Friday 10/11

Campus Events: 

Admin off Campus:

Athletic Events: N/A

Looking Ahead - October

  • Middle School Dance Thursday October 17th, 2024 2:30-4:30pm

  • Fall Fest: Wednesday October 30, 2024 4:30-6:30

    • Fall Fest Activity Sign Up: please sign up for an activity to run during Trunk or Treat HERE (you can also note if you plan to have a trunk!

  Halloween Dress Up

Teachers & Staff Only

As a continuation of the Initiative to promote this year’s Read to Succeed initiative and 2% growth goal, we will dress up like our favorite childhood book character and take time to read on the 31st.  LINK is for signing up for your character, let’s try not to have duplicates 🙂

Student Spotlight

Please add student pictures throughout the year to the School Family slideshow that plays during school in the commons. The students love seeing themselves being celebrated on the big screen!

Staff of the Month Nominations

Nomination Link 

Nominations close at the end of school 9/30  Teachers will be announced on BAND APP on the 10/1.

 October Social Committee Connection

Action Required: Social Committee Dues: certified $25, non-certified $15 Cash or Check

ALL Dues – are paid to Stacy and are due by October 20th; Stacy keeps track of who has paid their dues. 

Once you have paid your dues you will receive a Wildcat Wealth! 🙂

Silent Auction Baskets-Click HERE to sign up. 

Please get with your grade level/department and sign up for a basket of your choice to be used in a silent auction at the FALL FEST.  After you select your basket theme please communicate with your students and families that we are collecting NEW items related to the theme.   Please keep a list of items that have been donated to your basket. 

The class basket that raises the most money will earn an extra recess and popcorn party. 

Teach Forward

Teach Forward - November 5, 2024

  • The November 5 Teach Forward event will be a three-hour professional development opportunity designed with teacher growth and choice in mind! 

  • From 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM, educators will have the freedom to choose one session that aligns with their interests and professional goals.

  • An email with the full session list, as well as sign-up information, will be sent in the coming weeks. 

  • Locations will be based on session enrollments so we can maximize choice across the district.

October Instructional Focus

October Instructional Focus: Refer to the Posted Objectives & Anticipatory Set

#1-Refer to Posted Objectives

One of the most effective ways to help students stay engaged and clear on expectations is by consistently posting and reviewing objectives on the focus board. When learning objectives are explicitly stated, it not only sets the purpose for the lesson but also helps students understand why we are asking them to learn it.

Be sure to clearly write the learning goal or standard that you expect students to meet for each lesson. Make this a part of your routine by reviewing the objectives at the start of class and returning to them throughout the lesson. This helps students track their progress and connect their activities to the goals. It also ensures that instruction remains aligned with the desired outcomes.

Research shows that when students understand the objectives, they are more likely to engage with the material and be motivated to meet the expectations. Keep this focus front and center to foster a culture of achievement in your classroom!

Thank you for your continued efforts in providing clarity and purpose to our students’ learning experiences!

#2- Anticipatory Set

The anticipatory set plays a critical role in setting the tone for an effective lesson. It’s the hook that draws students in, grabbing their attention and sparking curiosity about the topic. A well-crafted anticipatory set not only piques students' interest but also connects prior knowledge to new learning, setting a strong foundation for the lesson ahead.


To create an impactful anticipatory set, consider using thought-provoking questions, real-life examples, or short engaging activities that relate to students' experiences. This prepares their minds for the content and gives them a reason to invest in the learning process. The key is to make it relevant and stimulating while remaining aligned with your learning objectives.

Remember, the first few minutes of class are crucial for capturing student engagement. By using anticipatory sets effectively, you’ll set a positive tone for the rest of the lesson, fostering an environment where students are eager to learn and connect the day's learning to their own lives.

Thank you for your dedication to making each lesson meaningful from start to finish!

Nurses Notes and Wellness Corner

The flu clinic for students is on 10/25. WATCH MAILBOXES for forms to send home!

As part of Breast Care Awareness - Mercy is providing SPS Employees and Spouses two options for Breast Screening. There are appointments available in October at the Mercy Breast Center and (with future dates) the Mammogram Bus will be located onsite at the locations/dates and times below.


Mammograms - Mercy Breast Center

October 21st – 25th | October 28th – November 1st

*Available 3 – 5 p.m. by appointment


Mercy Breast Center

2055 S. Fremont | Suite 120

Please call 417.820.2584 to schedule your appointment

*Care received will be run through insurance.

Available for Ladies: 40 years of age or older, 1+ years since last mammogram

Mammogram Bus: The Mercy mammogram bus will be at the locations/dates below during the 2024-2025 school year. Mammograms take about 15 minutes and are available from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Any qualifying SPS employee or spouse is welcome to participate. Call 417-820-2790 to schedule your appointment today.

  • Wednesday, February 12, 2025 – Bentley Administrative Center

  • Monday, March 10, 2025 - Hillcrest High School

  • Monday, April 7, 2025 - Glendale High School

Cooperative Learning Corner

One effective way to set your year up for success is to implement cooperative learning structures from the start. By using these structures to explain, practice, and reinforce classroom routines and procedures, you can clarify your expectations while also fostering a sense of belonging among all students. This approach ensures that when standards-based learning begins, students will already be familiar with some cooperative learning structures and understand your expectations for working together. 

Continue to implement the following along with “breaking the plane”: 

Counseling Corner


  • Tuesday, October 8th: Watson & Hoffman at SMSCA Conference

  • Thursday, October 10th: Watson out

  • Tuesday, October 16th: Watson out

Middle School

  • Wednesday, October 9th: Central IB Program presentation for 8th grade during 2nd period. Mrs. Jordan will send out a list of students attending.

  • Friday, October 11th: Jordan will be in 8th grade  Knaak’s classes all day

  • Monday, October 21st: Hoffman will be in 6th grade Tucker all day.

  • Friday, October 25th: Jordan will be in 7th grade LIndsey all day.

Social Work Updates –

  • Student School Supplies available:  We have had additional school supplies donated. We have also had more backpacks donated. School supplies are located in Ms. Mann’s office up front in  the main office. Supplies include- binders, notebooks, composition notebooks, paper,  supply boxes and pouches, folders, markers, crayons, glue sticks, pencils, colored pencils, scissors, erasers, and more.

  • Thanksgiving Baskets for Westport families

James River Church partners with Westport to provide Thanksgiving baskets full of food for a Thanksgiving meal, and any Westport family who needs assistance this holiday season is welcome to sign up. Paper Sign-Up forms will be put in your mailboxes to send home with students this week. There is also a Google Form online as a second option to sign up. The deadline for signing up is 10/25. We will need volunteers to help with distributing the baskets on Sat, 11/23, from 9a - 12:30p. Families will pick them up in the circle drive. An email will be sent to staff this week with some more information and a link to the Volunteer Sign-Up.

  • Winter Coats and accessories for students

Our on-site Care Closet has winter coats, gloves, caps, and scarves available. You can contact Ms. Mann, Mrs. Deckard, or Dr. Mitchell with student needs or for more info.

Instructional Highlights

Elementary School (Leigh Anne Patrick, Learning Coach)

Middle School (Jeffrey Pettibone, Learning Coach)

Hello all, we have two weeks left of this quarter! Remember that Q1 DCAs will open on October 7th and should be completed by October 17th. However, if students are absent, they can work to finish it until it closes on October 25th. Thank you to everyone that has signed up for a coaching cycle! I have worked with 12 of you so far this year, and I look forward to working with more of you in the upcoming months! If you haven’t signed up yet, let’s pause so she can get her sign-up organized. If you have signed up and you will be moved over to her for coaching, I will pass along those dates to her. If you are Reading or ELA, you can still sign up using this link. 

Our new Learning Coach, Brandi Compass, will be joining us on Monday, October 7. For the teams, teachers, and content areas she will be coaching, we will introduce you to her next week. She has a lot of experience with coaching and presenting Math PD across the state, working with DESE.

Things to Consider: 

  • Bell ringers based on content-specific info and implemented in each class at the beginning of class

  • Opt-out students and ways to engage them (relationship-building through conversations, parent contact, etc.) 

  • Implementation of regularly used cooperative learning strategies

  • Using timers (verbal or digital) to assist with pacing during class and at the end of class to help notify the teacher to wrap up

  • Allow students time to reply

Where are we now?

  • BSIP Goals and Action Steps

  • Current Building Enrollment: 343 (Elementary)   450 (Middle School)

Attendance Percentages By Grade: Week of 9/30 - 10/4 (MS Champs - 6th Grade!)

6th Grade: 91.68%

7th Grade: 89.68%

8th Grade: 89.88%

Attendance Percentages By Grade: Week of 9/30 - 10/4 (ES Champs - 5th Grade!)

Kindergarten: 88.37%

1st Grade: 86.37%

2nd Grade: 89.52%

3rd Grade: 92.69%

4th Grade: 87.27%

5th Grade: 94.43%


Math-3rd Grade 21%; 4th Grade 38%; 5th Grade 50%

1.Teachers will calibrate Tier I Instruction to the SIG (Standard Implementation Guide).

• Warm-Up & Objectives and Centers

2. Teachers will use PLT time to analyze student data and determine teaching strategies, interventions and extensions that support student growth and proficiency.

3. Teachers will calibrate grading practices by working in PLT's to analyze CFA/DCA data to inform instruction.

Literacy-3rd Grade 45%; 4th Grade 40%; 5th Grade 69%

1.Teachers will calibrate Tier I Instruction to the SIG (Standard Implementation Guide).

• Warm-Up & Objectives and Centers

2. Teachers will use PLT time to analyze student data and determine teaching strategies, interventions and extensions that support student growth and proficiency.

3. Teachers will calibrate grading practices by working in PLT's to analyze CFA/DCA data to inform instruction.

Math- 6th Grade (52%); 7th Grade (37%); 8th Grade (41%). 
Action Steps: 

1.Teachers will calibrate Tier I Instruction to the SIG (Standard Implementation Guide).

• Warm-Up & Objectives

2. Explore, identify and implement Marzano Strategies to increase student learning in Tier I instruction.

3. Teachers will calibrate grading practices by working in PLTs to analyze DCA/CFA data to inform instruction.

Literacy- 6th Grade (54%); 7th Grade (63%); 8th Grade (48%).
Action Steps:

1.Teachers will calibrate Tier I Instruction to the SIG (Standard Implementation Guide).

• Warm-Up & Objectives

2. Explore, identify and implement Marzano Strategies to increase student learning in Tier I instruction.

3. Teachers will use PLT time to analyze student data and determine teaching strategies, interventions and extensions that support student growth and proficiency.

Galileo BSIP Info:

Math- Kindergarten 38%; 1st Grade 61%; 2nd grade 42%; 3rd Grade 15%; 4th Grade 30%, 5th Grade 40%

1. Teachers will engage in student-centered coaching cycles with the instructional coach.

2. Instructional coaches will provide 15-minute microbursts of learning during PLT (responding to question 3 & 4).

3. Instructional coaches and/or principals will provide learning & coaching around protocol utilized to analyze student work and plan next steps.

Literacy- Kindergarten 43%; 1st Grade 39%; 2nd Grade 25%, 3rd Grade 33%; 4th Grade 58%; 5th Grade 57%

1. Instructional Coach will provide PL during PLTs supported by the ELA Curriculum Coordinator

2. Instructional coaches will provide 15-minute microbursts of learning during PLT (responding to question 3 & 4).

3. Instructional coaches and/or principals will provide learning & coaching around protocol utilized to analyze student work and plan next steps.

Math- 6th Grade (52%); 7th Grade (37%); 8th Grade (41%). 
Action Steps: 

1.Teachers will calibrate Tier I Instruction to the SIG (Standard Implementation Guide).

• Warm-Up & Objectives

2. Explore, identify and implement Marzano Strategies to increase student learning in Tier I instruction.

3. Teachers will calibrate grading practices by working in PLTs to analyze DCA/CFA data to inform instruction.

Literacy- 6th Grade (54%); 7th Grade (63%); 8th Grade (48%).
Action Steps:

1.Teachers will calibrate Tier I Instruction to the SIG (Standard Implementation Guide).

• Warm-Up & Objectives

2. Explore, identify and implement Marzano Strategies to increase student learning in Tier I instruction.

3. Teachers will use PLT time to analyze student data and determine teaching strategies, interventions and extensions that support student growth and proficiency.

24-25 Parent Involvement Nights

All certified staff are required to attend 3 out of the 4 yearly parent involvement nights. 

Action Required: Here is the link to the spreadsheet where you track your PI Night attendance. 

Fall Fest Activity Sign Up: please sign up for an activity to run during Trunk or Treat HERE (you can also note if you plan to have a trunk!

Important Dates

  • Monday, October 7th, 2024 - SPED 101 Training

  • Thursday October 17th, 2024 - Middle School Dance 2:30-4:30pm

  • Wednesday October 30, 2024 - Fall Fest Event 4:30-6:30

  • Friday, November 1, 2024 - Land of Smiles 12:00pm -1:30pm 

  • Thursday, January 9, 2025 - HRA for staff in Library from 6:00 AM-8:30 AM

  • Thursday March 13, 2025 - Westport Art in the Park 4:00- 6:00

  • Wednesday April 23, 2025 - Academic Showcase 4:30- 6:30

  • Thursday, Nov. 7, 2024 -  4th & 5th Grade Show “We Love our Veterans” 6:00

  • Thursday, December 17, 2024 - 2nd & 3rd Grade Show “Santa Claus is On His Way,”  6:00

  • Thursday, January 9th, 2024 - ALICE TRAINING

  • Thursday, January 30th, 2024 - Student Access & Opportunity

  • Thursday, April 24, 2025 - Kindergarten & 1st Grade Show  “Theme TBA”  6:00


PBIS Collaboration - We need your input!

Please consider joining us for an optional PBIS collaboration following SPED 101 on Monday, October 7. Topics will include…

  • Creating Tier 1 procedure menus

  • Clarifying Tier 2 and 3 responses

  • Modifying the PBIS ROAR-Wards and store for middle school

Please also consider adding your ideas to the PBIS shared collaboration Doc HERE, especially if you cannot stay on October 7!

PBIS Opportunities for Students

We have partnered with the Community Partnership of the Ozarks to provide mentoring programs for our students. This is designed to teach them communication skills, critical thinking, perseverance, and other transferable skills that will help increase overall engagement and success in school. We are currently looking for 6th graders who would benefit from such a program. Please submit your 6th grade nomination by emailing

PBIS Students of the Month

We are always seeking nominations for PBIS students of the month! If you have a student in middle school or elementary you would like to see recognized for their outstanding behavior or improvement, please email with a short description of the ROAR behaviors your nominee has demonstrated.

Middle School nominees - please email 

Elementary School nominees - please email

PBIS Reminders

  • Maximize the structure of your learning environment with consistently followed expectations and procedures

  • Work with your Learning Coach to create great lessons that will increase engagement

  • Acknowledge appropriate behavior and behavior improvements with ROAR-Wards and encouragement. 

  • Respond to inappropriate behavior without becoming emotional or inflaming the situation. 

Student Access and Opportunity


Context For Teachers: Disability Awareness Month

This includes Differentiation Ideas, Inclusive Classroom Practices, Myths and Facts about Learning Disabilities, and Tips for Working with Parents with Disabilities!

Virtual CLassroom: Disabilities  

Read Alouds and Activities

Learning About Disabilities Slide Deck 

Building Committee Reps

Click on this Title Link if you need to know your representatives.

Previous Newsletters