Westport is the greatest example of teamwork. Beginning with our kindergarten team, all the way through to the 8th grade team our building is the definition of team. Working together we establish goals, strengthen our team with high quality strategies, and celebrate each other throughout the year.
This makes me think about the amazing KC CHIEFS and how they have gotten to the Superbowl so often lately. The team establishes a goal at the beginning of the season, with smaller goals throughout the season. We as a fan base and team, celebrate the small game wins, personal achievements, and the success toward the final goal.
How do we translate that into our success plan? We will rely on our BSIP, to establish short term and long term goals, action steps to get there, and how we will celebrate success when we achieve the goal (Plan the parade). Over the next few weeks, the guiding coalition (coaching contingent) will establish the game plan (BSIP) for the year, and the team will practice and perform to achieve our ultimate goal.
Westport K-8 Wildcat Chat Topics
Westport Mission & Vision
Leverage the strengths of the Westport community to ensure academic growth for ALL!
Westport will be a venue for academic success!
Westport’s Collective Commitments
Our Team will:
Make decisions which are student-centered and aligned to our WHY!
Be present to model consistent process and expectations
Leverage learning opportunities to increase instructional minutes
Presume positive intent in other to maintain positive mindsets
Staff and Student SPIRIT DAY - FRIDAY!
Teacher of the Month Nominations
Starting for October, Westport Teacher of the Month Nominations will come from the staff. Criteria to consider when making nominations include:
Excellence in the classroom: Consistently helping students advance to higher levels of academic or social achievement.
Motivation: Encouraging students to go beyond their expectations academically and socially.
Leadership: Serving as a leader in the classroom and throughout the school.
Community service: Being active in community or service organizations to demonstrate civic responsibility.
Creativity and imagination: Using teaching methods that inspire students to learn.
Impact: Continually making an impact on students and others.
School-wide Email
SCHOOLWIDE EMAILS: Let's work on limiting the use of schoolwide emails unless it is a specific point of information needed for the entire staff, or an emergency safety concern.
Reminder District email is public record. All district email is subject to sunshine law requests and could be subject to request in the future. Please make sure to keep email work related and professional. As a general rule most staff is only looking at email at brief times during the day, so whole staff use of school wide emails can clog our inboxes with items that are not necessary for all to see.
Appropriate topics include:
ADMIN ONLY: Emergency/Crisis, Institutional message, Mandated reporting of public safety issues, Emergency schedule changes,
If you have information you want to share with staff, please make that available to AP’s, Athletic Coordinator, etc. and we will add it to this weekly newsletter.
Newsletter Topics include (send to AP’s): Scheduled campus event (academic or social), Scheduled/ routine HR/staff announcement, Transportation info, Student opportunities, Student news/accolades, Process updates, announcements about the district or building
For notification of where your class may be during the school day, or student information or ?’s please send that type of correspondence only to individual staff who need access to that information. Example student who has not returned to class who is on a smart pass, is a referral or an email to admin or secretaries.
Nurses Notes
Just for a reminder, here is the district policy on indoor air quality:
District administration will set guidelines for the establishment of indoor air quality. Guidelines will include procedures for reporting building concerns, testing, and/or recommending improvements/corrections of indoor air quality issues. District employees will refrain from using candles, oils, sprays, plug-ins, and other sources of fragrance. Use pesticides and cleaning products only per district policies and procedures.
Staff Training Videos, please watch all videos in this email
Epi-Pen Training
AED Training
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6GV9PAbgM4How to use Philips HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator?
Philips HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator With Plastic Waterproof Shell Carry Case is designed for simple and reliable operation. It is used to treat the most common causes of sudden cardiac arrest, including ventricular fibrillation (VF). The OnSite treats VF by sending a shock across the heart so it can start beating regularly again.
Burn First Aid, Choking, and Universal Precautions videos…These were linked to a building email from the Nurses on 8/26. Please view!
If you have any questions, let one of us know! We are happy to train in person as well.
Capital Planning Processes
The Capital Planning process was developed to address two primary needs in the District:
The need to purchase of equipment, furniture, and other miscellaneous capital items (i.e. furniture to accommodate growth, or needs for equipment items)
The need for building modifications, renovations or major repairs (i.e. building modifications to accommodate growth, or needs to building improvements)
Each year, capital requests are submitted by budget leaders. The requests are reviewed and prioritized. The capital budget is limited and all requests will be evaluated with the following criteria: safety, security, district growth, district efficiency, or enhancement of the educational process.
This process is not for submitting:
Routine building maintenance or repairs must be submitted as a “maintenance” work order. Examples: leaking pipe, broken window blind, doors won’t lock, broken furniture
Important Information
Staff should try to assess needs for the summer and following school year. (Additional classroom furniture, teacher desks, teacher chairs, whiteboards, bookcases, cubbies, etc.)
Assess old furniture and the need for rotating out old furniture. Please walk each classroom and office area and look for old furniture that may be broken or badly in need of replacement. All furniture will be judged according to age, condition, appearance, function, etc. when being considered for replacement. .
Not all capital requests are approved. Requests must fall within the decision matrix for district growth, safety, security or efficiency, new program or legal requirement.
Conscious Discipline Corner
The Brain Smart Start consists of four activities: an activity to unite, an activity to disengage stress, an activity to connect, and an activity to commit.
Click through the slides to learn more about each component and how you can incorporate it into your home or classroom.
If you would like some help incorporating a Brain Smart Start into your classroom, please let Amanda Foster know.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be the week of: October 21st - October 24th
Thursday will be late night going until 7:00 PM. 3:00 to 7:00 (4 hours)
Other nights until 5:00 PM (3.25 remaining hours)
Guidelines for Parent-Teacher Conferences:
To enhance clarity and promote collaboration, Westport will have one (1) late parent/teacher conference night during the District approved parent/teacher conference window, ending no earlier than 7 pm.
To accommodate families who cannot attend the designated late night, individual teachers will offer additional dates and conference times during the District approved conference window, working no less than 7.25 hours off contract time.
Teachers will submit their conference schedules in advance of their first scheduled parent/teacher conference to the team supervisor.
Teachers will also submit a conference log at the conclusion of the parent/teacher conference window.
Cooperative Learning Corner
Kagan Cooperative Learning Strategy of the week: please incorporate the following strategy in your classroom this week!
Counseling Corner
Student requests to see the counselor:
Please submit a request for students to see the counselor before sending them to our offices. Teachers may also call or email us to see if we are available.
On Canvas, students may go to the Westport Counseling Commons and click “Ask to see a counselor”. Students will be directed to fill out a Google Form, which is sent directly to us. Teachers are also welcome to fill out the Google Form for their students. Feel free to pin the link below!
Middle school students may request to see their counselor using SmartPass.
Once the students’ pass is approved, counselors will notify teachers and meet with the student.
Mark your calendars - Elementary
Staff Read Alouds
Westport has the amazing opportunity to use social media to support the learning of our students and families at home. One such opportunity is by completing #ReadAlouds. Teachers record the reading of one of their favorite books, in landscape, and we post it on our school social media. Here is the LINK for submission. #Read2Succeed
Mandated Reporting
The process for mandated reporting is linked on the Hub under “Counseling & Mandated Reporting”.
Step 1: Create a copy of the Hotline Mandatory Reporting Checklist and gather needed information
Step 2: Call the hotline phone number 800.392.3738 or complete the online report.
Step 3: Fill out and complete (typed) the Hotline Mandated Reporting Checklist and once completed send the form in an email to the appropriate counselor.
K-3 Kelsi Watson klwatson@spsmail.org
4-6 Kirstin Hoffman kmhoffman@spsmail.org
7-8 Jolee Jordan jfjordan@spsmail.org
Step 4: A counselor completes the District Google Form.
If you have any questions or need support with this process, please reach out to your grade level counselor.
SPS Kick Up Information
There are still some issues with the software and kick up. As we see things reach completion, we will let you know. I know some of you are in there, but not all. Additionally, not all ADMIN have access yet, so please be patient with the team as they shift all permissions around in the district.
Instructional Highlights
Elementary School (Leigh Anne Patrick, Learning Coach)
Middle School (Jeffrey Pettibone, Learning Coach):
Now, that we are moving past week 3… the short-week struggle is real!
PLT meetings are back to normal! Everyone is expected to meet three times a week for the following: Monday is a Data Meeting, Tuesday is a Pacing Meeting, and Wednesday is a Planning Meeting. The information for each of these days is in your Digital PLT Binder under the “Building” section. It is called PLT Meeting Agenda Posters.
Remember that Coaching Cycle sign-ups went out last week. The expectation is to sign up for one coaching cycle per year (excluding Year 1 teachers). This cycle will consist of three meetings. #1: Planning (during your plan period). #2: Observation (during a class period of your choice). #3: Reflection (during your plan period).
Remember our district's effort to utilize cooperative learning strategies. If you need a few of those, there are Kagen books on top of the bookshelf in the Professional Library (the small room off of the Library). Here are a few to consider:
Teammates Consult- students are divided into groups of four. Each group has four sheets of paper and four pencils. The teacher poses a question and provides a pre-determined amount of time for students to discuss the question. Once the teacher gives a pre-determined signal, each student will write their individual answers.
Partners- have students work in groups of four. Assign a task and have students work with one other member of their group to complete the task. After a pre-determined time, have students combine with the other pair of partners in their group and share their ideas and strategies.
September Instructional Focus: (Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Lee)
Positive Classroom Environment and Classroom Management
Indicator 5.1 “The teacher uses an understanding of individual/group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages active engagement in learning, positive social interaction, and self-motivation.”
Focus on:
Clear expectations and corresponding rules
Behavioral expectations (supported by PBIS)
Use of Kagan Cooperative Learning Strategies
Effective questioning strategies
Providing students academic choices
Pacing and chunking
Proximity - break the plane
Please reach out to a learning coach or assistant principal if you are interested in signing up to attend a model classroom workshop.
Elementary Focus Board Expectations:
Recess Consequence Alternatives
Walking laps at recess is not to be given as a consequence at Westport.
According to the CDC, recess benefits students by:
• Increasing their level of physical activity.
• Improving their memory, attention, and concentration.
• Helping them stay on-task in the classroom.
• Reducing disruptive behavior in the classroom.
• Improving their social and emotional development
Alternative Consequences to Walking Laps/Taking Away Recess Time:
Clean up the playground (10 pieces of trash)
Wipe down a piece of playground equipment
Help Coach C air up PE equipment
Read a book outside
Help a younger grade classroom for 10 minutes during recess – classroom helper
Take a clipboard outside – write a letter of apology or a reflection letter
Take a clipboard outside – work on incomplete work – work for the amount of time the incident occurred
Losing a specific (favorite) piece of equipment for the day
Organize classroom supplies/clean up the classroom
Assigned lunch spot away from a friend that day
Please note that if a student does not follow the recess line up procedure at the end of recess, they run from staff while outside, or a first responder has to come outside to assist, that student will not go outside the following day as this is a safety issue. The student will stay with an SCL or AP during recess.
If you need additional assistance on alternative consequences please reach out to a behavior interventionist, SCL, CSI, or assistant principal.
24-25 Parent Involvement Nights
All certified staff are required to attend 3 out of the 4 yearly parent involvement nights.
Here is the link to the spreadsheet where you track your PI Night attendance.
24-25 Parent Involvement Night Dates:
Thursday August 22, 2024 Open House & SPS U 5:00-7:00
Wednesday October 30, 2024 Fall Fest Event 4:30-6:30
Thursday March 13, 2025 Westport Art in the Park 4:00- 6:00
Wednesday April 23, 2025 Academic Showcase 4:30- 6:30
24-25 Athletics and Activities
Event Dates: 9/8/2024 - 9/14/2024
Sept 11, 2024: Volleyball @ Westport - 5:30 PM
Sept 12, 2024: Football @ Central HS - 6:00 PM
Sept 13, 2024: Volleyball @ Jarrett MS - 5:30 PM
Sept 13, 2024: Volleyball @Westport - 5:30 PM
Sept 14, 2024: Cross Country @ Lebanon - 10:30 AM
Westport Communication Tree
Who do I ask or talk to?
Important Dates
Monday, September 9, 2024 - Health Fair
Location: Library
Time: 7:45 AM
Grades: ALL K, 1st, 3rd, and 5th.
We will be conducting assessments of Vision, Hearing and Dental hygiene for all these students.
I will have forms printed for each student and will give it to the teacher that morning.
SPED students who can not independently complete a vision or hearing screen do not need to participate, they will have 1:1 screenings at a different time. Please let me know if you have a student not in SPED that needs a 1:1 assessment.
Friday, September 13, 2024 - Grant Delivery Day
Our Christmas in September…This is the day volunteers and donors join us to surprise educators who submitted and will receive a Back to School Grant. Our office will be in touch with your site closer to date if you have a grant recipient.
Wednesday October 30, 2024 - Fall Fest Event 4:30-6:30
Friday, November 11, 2024 - Land of Smiles 12:00pm -1:30pm
Thursday, January 9, 2025 - HRA for staff in Library from 6:00 AM-8:30 AM
Thursday March 13, 2025 - Westport Art in the Park 4:00- 6:00
Wednesday April 23, 2025 - Academic Showcase 4:30- 6:30
ROAR-Ward Guidelines
Below are some guidelines for handing out ROAR-wards to ensure building wide equity:
$1 Recognized ROAR behavior (multiple daily)
Respectful, Organized, Attend, Responsible
$1 Daily Attendance - must be on time (homeroom AM and 1st period)
$5 School job completion
$5 Trash pick up
$5 Friday Bonus for assignments completed (teacher preference)
$10 weekly 90%-99.9% attendance (list provided each week)
$20 weekly 100% attendance (list provided each week)
*$10-$20 ROAR-wards should only be handed out for attendance
Donations Accepted: We are always looking for the following items to put in the ROAR-store. If you have any that you're not using, or come across any throughout the year, that you are willing to donate please bring to Mrs. Ross, Dr. Mitchell, or Mrs. Deckard!
IN SEARCH OF: We are also looking for 2 wooden money trays for store check-out and a clothing rack on wheels for Westport Spirit Wear, like the images below, if anyone has one they would be willing to donate!
Elementary ROAR-Store Shopping Dates: outlook calendar invites have been sent
Tues 9/3 Tues 10/1 Fri 11/1 Mon 12/2 Tues 1/7 Tues 2/3 Mon 3/3 Tues 4/1 Thurs 5/1
Elementary UPDATED Shopping Schedule: after the first shopping date, we made a few adjustments to the shopping schedule to allow each class more time to shop. Please review the changes below - we will use the same shopping schedule each month.
PBIS Continued
Rational Detachment
Recognizing the need to remain professional by managing your own behavior and attitudes.
When you rationally detach, you stay consistent and calm down while maintaining self-control in the moment. This helps you not to respond in a way that causes the situation to escalate. You are also less likely to become another Precipitating Factor to the person in distress. Your consistent, calm behavior can help ease their emotional response. When rationally detached, you can objectively identify the crisis level the person is in and choose the approach best suited to that level.
Rational Detachment Strategies
Breath: Research has shown that deep breathing enables more air to flow into your body. Taking a slow, deep breath can calm your nerves, reducing stress and anxiety. Pausing also helps you not react right away to what the person is saying.
Use Grounding: Focusing on some aspect of the physical world rather than your thoughts and feelings can help you regulate your emotions. Holding on to a chair, pressing your first finger and thumb together, squeezing an object, pressing your heels into the ground - these are all examples of grounding techniques.
Think, then Say: Thinking about what you will say helps you choose your words carefully. Your words should be concise, avoid judgment, and stick to the topic at hand.
Observe: Objectively observing the person’s behavior and your own can prevent your emotions, past experience, and implicit bias from influencing how you see the behavior and the situation. Ask yourself the following questions as you observe: What is the other person communicating? How am I responding? What am I expressing? How are they responding to me?
Ask for Help: Sometimes, you recognize when your Precipitating Factors are impacting your ability to rationally detach. In these times, you need to step away. Allow a coworker to take over. Continuing to engage in the situation can escalate the situation. Remember to also step in when you notice a coworker could use help. Be proactive. If you know that a certain day or situation will have factors that make Rational Detachment hard, keep your colleagues informed.
Crisis Prevention Institute, 2023
Our Elementary goal this week is to share the purpose of PBIS as well as provide helpful hints and links to the lessons that we will be implementing in our classrooms.
The purpose of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is to improve the social, emotional, and academic outcomes of all students by creating a safe and effective learning environment.
The PBIS evidence-based strategies include:
Identify, teach, and reinforce positive behaviors
Address problematic behaviors proactively
Create a positive student culture
Providing individualized behavior supports PBIS can also improveTEACHER health and wellbeing.
Helpful hints in using PBIS in your classroom.
1. Set expectations
Keep expectations clear and consistent, and limit them to three to five statements. Post expectations in the classroom for easy reference.
2. Teach expectations
Emphasize expectations at the beginning of the year and when there are major changes.
Reinforce positive behavior
Find creative ways to reward students for behaving as expected. Research suggests making five positive comments for every correction.
3. Use routines
Students work best in environments with predictable routines. Provide multiple opportunities for students to practice routines, and reinforce expected behaviors.
4. Use hand signals
Create hand signals for common requests, like getting water or going to the restroom.
Respond to behavior
Respond to challenging behavior consistently, with an emphasis on teaching rather than punishment.
5. Stay positive
Remain positive, even when faced with challenges.
6. Use data
Use data to guide decision-making.
Week 3 Lessons Link Assertiveness/Big Voice Lesson Plan Template.
English Language Learners
Adopt an Administrator
The administrative team is excited to be in your classrooms and with your students. Please take a moment to sign your class up for opportunities for administration team members to participate in activities in your classroom. Example activities could include: reading books, science lab, etc.2
Hite/Ross/Mitchell In Class Read Aloud Sign Up: Sign Up HERE
Please email an administrator with a date and time, so we can come to your class and be with your kiddos.
District Approved Communication Tools
#WildcatsLove2Learn - Band App
Please join the Westport K-8 Band App group for building only communication. This is not a communication platform for student communication.
All Middle School Teachers & Staff - Remind App
This is the required district communication tool for all Middle School teachers & staff.
All Elementary School Teachers & Staff - Seesaw App
This will be the required district communication tool for all Elementary School teachers & staff.
Building Committee Reps
President: Amanda Foster
Vice President: Dori Beckner
Secretary: Jeffrey Pettibone
Treasurer: Jillian Morris
Admin Support: Adrienne Deckard, Terry Mitchell, Chris Davis
Focus Rooms
Classroom Supplies
Master Schedule
Westport K-8 Professional Learning
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