Sunday, December 8, 2024

12/8/24 - Wildcat Weekly

Westport Mission & Vision

Mission: Leverage the strengths of the Westport community to ensure academic growth for ALL!

Vision: Westport will be a venue for academic success!

Westport’s Collective Commitments: Our Team will:

  • Make decisions which are student-centered and aligned to our WHY!

  • Be present to model consistent processes and expectations!

  • Leverage learning opportunities to increase instructional minutes!

  • Presume positive intent in order to maintain positive mindsets!

Operation Warm Shoe Event


Click On

Reminder to pay attention to the clickable links to the right and along the top.  As we continue to add sections making the BLOG a one-stop-shop for all Westport information.  We still have several sections UNDER CONSTRUCTION…This means the link may be there, but there is nothing to see yet.

Key Spots for the Start of the Month:

  1. Cooperative Learning Corner

  2. Westport Social Committee

  3. Instructional Coaches

  4. Monthly Instructional Highlights

  5. Staff & Student Spotlight

Key Spots for the Start of the Week:

  1. Week at a Glance - WAAG

  2. Must Do/May Do

  3. Nurses Notes

  4. Counselors Notes

MS Focus Room - Update

Hello, everyone! We hope you had a great weekend! The Middle School Focus Room staff wanted to touch base with everyone about the use of the MS Focus Room. 

If you pass the Focus Room, you will notice a sign on the door stating that visits to the Focus Room are limited to invites, or admin using the Focus Room for dysregulated students. 

Recently, we have had an influx of students using the Focus Room as a "Break Room" to get out of being in class. We have had quite a few students abusing the Focus Room, and using it to escape classwork (shocking, I know), so Dr. Davis and I are adjusting the process for visits to the Focus Room.

Students may not visit the Focus Room upon their request anymore.

The only reasons a student should come to the Focus Room, are:

  • They have been invited by an admin, or Focus Room staff.

  • Admin places them in the Focus Room.

  • You recognize a student needs a calm place to reset and refocus. Please call for availability before you send them. As a first responder, we are not always present to take Walk-In’s.  If this is the case, and the student issue is emergent, please contact the office for a first responder, with an explanation of what is needed.  

    • Additionally, occasionally we deal with sensitive issues, which require privacy. They have scheduled breaks in the Focus Room. If you have a student who has scheduled breaks, I will notify you.


  • They are allowed breaks due to IEP or 504.

I have been informing students that if they show up to the Focus Room without one of the 5 reasons, there will be a referral put in for Defiance of Authority.

As always, our hope is that students will be in class, learning. We want to continue to be able to work with students who truly need the benefits of the Focus Room, and for the Focus Room to be utilized in the manner that it is intended to be used. We continue to be open to feedback, and if you have a situation that you feel warrants the Focus Room, and it is not on the list, we are more than happy to accommodate.

Thank you all so much for your dedication to these kids!

Staff #Read2Succeed Support

ACTION REQUIRED: Lots of staff read alouds are still needed! Here is the LINK for your read aloud video submission. #Read2Succeed

December Toolkits - Character Development

Drop Everything & Read - January 2, 2025

Third Quarter “READ 417” Challenge

District Announcements

Student Nutrition Educational Videos for students  (Kim Keller)

The ACE Show Program Overview:

The ACE Show is a one-of-a-kind video series featuring Ace, Student Nutrition’s Elementary School dining mascot. ACE teaches kids the importance of healthy habits through entertaining and fun video content.

The ACE Show was developed to bring the Elementary Health & Wellness program to life and get students involved in the program. Through insights we found the best way to connect with young kids is with video. 

WHAT:     - ACE Show videos, each highlighting a health and wellbeing topic

                 - Average of 5-6 minutes per video.

                 - One-page lesson plans and achievement certificates that support each video.

WHO:       - Designed for students in first, second and third grade or ages 6-9.

WHERE:   - Classroom, school special-gym, cafeteria programming, back to school night/health  and wellness fairs, email to parents, website.

WHEN:    - The videos do not need to be shown in order.

- Frequency would be determined by the principal/teacher/food service director or manager. Recommendation is once a month or bi-monthly.

Link to videos:

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